Unhappily Ever After

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 Purple grunted as they stood up and began to walk towards King. Their body ached but they had no choice. They prepared themself for what they might have to do. Red, Blue, Green, Yellow and Orange were all trying to recover from being glitched, not to mention the cuts and bruises all over their bodies. Purple felt the need to make up for their actions, so they vowed to not let King get away with this. He's hurt the gang enough already. Green noticed Purple and begged them not to go.
"Purple-!" He pleaded, Purple glancing over for a moment. "Don't go, it's not worth it." His voice sounded scared and they could see the desperation in his eyes. Green knew what fate awaited them if Purple continued, and so did they. Despite Green's begging, it wasn't up for discussion.

"I have to." They solemnly responded, and continued on to defeat King. Green wished Purple would just listen to him, but he was too weak to stop them anymore. Purple already made their choice. They needed to avenge their friends. They had done so much for them, now it was their turn. As Purple approached, King noticed. He scrunched his eyebrows, still furious and annoyed that these figures were getting in his way. In the blink of an eye, King swung the staff towards Purple, causing them to stumble backwards. The beam of light burned at their skin, but they continued to stomp towards King. It was blinding, and was excruciatingly painful, but Purple didn't have the choice to give up. Their elytra was blasted away, and they persisted. The beam got closer every second, and stronger. King was unphased getting rid of the nuisance, until he heard an all-too-familiar noise. The beep of a certain machine malfunctioning.

"What..?" He shook his head and ignored it, convincing himself it was only his imagination.
"You are hurting others because you are hurt! Listen!" Purple yelled, but King wasn't interested in hearing anything they had to say. He merely scoffed and moved closer to his victim. But he couldn't help but be bothered by something. Purple reminded him of Gold- his son he lost much too early. He was taken aback to this similarity, but tried to not let it get the best of him. He tried to focus, but he couldn't help it. The times with Purple, they all reminded him of his son. King recalled the way he treated them.

"It doesn't have to be this way-" Purple reached towards King, asking for any help at all. Is this what his son would have wanted..? The question seemed to linger in the back of his head. Ultimately, King did nothing and Purple lost their strength and was knocked into the beam of light, being blasted away. King's heart dropped, and he instinctively threw the staff onto the ground.
Without hesitation, he burst into a sprint, running past the color gang, and going as fast as he could to reach Purple. He stumbled on the obsidian beneath his feet, but had to reach Purple. He had to. Tears formed in his eyes and fell down his face, as he moved towards the edge of the land. Oh what has he done?
"Purple!" He screamed between breaths, racing to reach him. Tears now wouldn't stop falling, as he began to sob. I'm so sorry Purple, I'm so sorry..
He remembered all the times with Purple. Oh how he had treated them so poorly. The kid just wanted someone to look up to, they only ever helped. And what did King do? He betrayed them. King continued to rush towards Purple, them being just out of reach. The drop was getting closer, so as a last effort, King desperately jumped into the beam of light that the minecraft staff still was shooting out.
He couldn't afford to lose someone else. He pulled himself in, but it was too late. Both of them were absorbed by this destroying light, and it was up to the gang to save everything now. Green cried in loss of Purple, but there was no time for it. They had to go. Although they were weak, Red, Blue, Green, Yellow and Orange ran towards the staff. Red attempted to destroy it by smashing it into the ground, but it was to no avail. Green tried this as well, but no luck.
Amidst all the chaos, Orange remembered how to end this, and he snatched it away from Green and bolted towards the nether portal.


During all that, King found himself walking in a white void. As far as he could see, there was nothing. All he could think of was how horrible he was. Why hadn't he stopped sooner? He seemed to keep walking for hours, buried in his thoughts, until something caught his attention. There, in the distance... was that his house?! With a heavy heart, he walked in and noticed something peculiar.

On his wall, a drawing of him with Gold was depicted. King leaned in closer. He had never seen this before. The drawing moved, showing King playfully throwing his son into the air and playing with him. A Minecraft block appeared, symbolizing the game that his son wanted to play so badly.
The drawings continued to depict what he had done since he lost his son, destroying Minecraft. Upon closer inspection, King realized that he was destroying everyone in it, the innocent mobs and people. Even his son. What had he become?
King wanted this to stop. He didn't want to see this all again. He slammed his fists on the wall, and to his surprise, it shattered, like a certain glass door. In the distance, there was another figure. Purple stood there with a displeased expression.
King began to walk towards them, which turned into a sprint in an attempt to hug Purple, but he was greeted with an unpleasant surprise. Purple turned around and kicked him in the stomach with surprising strength, sending King backwards and knocking the breath out of him.
"Yeah, how does that feel?" Purple teased, with a disgustingly smug look on their face. This couldn't be the same innocent kid, they would never hurt someone like this.
"Purple? I'm sorry-" He began to apologize as tears began to form, begging for their forgiveness. He was interrupted.
"Cut the crap. I'm not Purple, you killed him." King backed away uncertainly, his eyes wide from fear. "I'm just a dumb illusion that your brain came up with to cope. You're really just selfish, aren't you?" They continued. "You only sought revenge. You never realized the people around you who were trying to help. Purple tried to give you so many chances, so many opportunities to redeem yourself and you failed every. Single. One." This fake Purple walked towards King and grabbed him- he hardly resisted. He felt so pathetic.

"You don't even deserve to live, you monster." King was thrown onto the ground, and in a sudden flash of light, he found himself back in the Nether. Was that all just a vision? He looked around and saw the others who were also shot out of the beam. King felt horrible.

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