As I said.... context guys. I want this story to be credible enough for you to immerse yourselves into it :))) enjoyy
A week later and Audrey's boyfriend was dropping the girls at the airport, and soon enough, they were on a freaking plane to go to Seoul. Amaia was added to the group WhatsApp with the rest of the team composed of Kirsten, Latrice, and Ling. The girls had agreed to meet up at the hotel once they would arrive and explore the city chilling, since filming would not start for a few days.
As the plane touched down in Seoul, Amaia felt a mix of excitement and nervousness. What the fuck did she had actually agreed to. She crossed Audrey's eyes and was instantly met with relief, whatever would happen, it would be a great moment with her friend. Amaia was the last one to disembark, and as she stepped into the bustling terminal, she couldn't help but shiver at the thought of the adventure she was about to experience.
The group had agreed to meet at their hotel, and Amaia and Audrey hopped in a cab to the designated rendezvous point. As they entered the hotel's lobby, Amaia and Audrey received a notification from their group that the girls were coming down to meet them and help them with the luggages, having already arrived hours ago. Amaia was going to meet KIRSTEN DODGEN. She repeated that sentency mentally at least 10 times before it could start to sink in.
When the three members arrived in the lobby, Amaia was left speechless, Latrice and Kirsten had such a magnetic presence and radiated confidence. Ling smiled sweetly and extended her hand to the girl:
"I'm so glad to meet you girls ! The team is now complete!"
"Thank you Ling! And thank you everyone for trusting me to join the crew, I'll give it my best" I said on what she hoped was a light-hearted tone. Please let me not embarrass myself from the first minute. Kirsten smiled brightly:
"Of course girl ! We recognized you from previous videos and it appears you master some styles that we don't so we'll be a great team of all-rounders! Plus if you're friend with Audrey that automatically means you must be adorable", she said, putting Amaia at ease.
Audrey was chatting with Ling while Latrice and Kirsten helped Amaia with the luggages.
Even though Amaia could not help but think what in the multiverse was going on, watching Kirsten and Audrey burst out in laughter, she was feeling a bit more relaxed: everyone was obviously overexcited, and she could feel a bond already form in anticipation of the next days' events.
After settling in their room, the girls decided to kick off their afternoon with a visit to Gyeongbokgung Palace. They took photos, exchanged stories, and learned about Korean history and culture. Their exploration continued as they ventured to Bukchon Hanok Village, and couldn't resist trying on colorful hanbok, traditional Korean attire, for a memorable photoshoot. The girls discovered Korean treats like tteokbokki, hotteok, and of course, Korean barbecue. Some TV screen were displaying famous Kpop videos clips and the girls couldn't help but take some notes of certain moves, to get inspired by the dance environment and be more familiar with it.
Back at the hotel, they gathered in Kirsten' rooms, just chilling on their phones and recalling the day they had, exhausted after all their efforts. As the conversation started to be around the filming approaching, Kirsten spoke up:
"Okay girls let's talk about the basics of the filming incoming. We need to prepare for it, we all have great individual talents, and some of us have worked together before, but we need to make sure we are ready as a group when we enter the competition." Latrice nodded in agreement. "That's right. We need to make sure we have group choreographies that are flawless, and we have to come up with some duos, trios, and different combinations." Ling added, "We also need to work on our synchronization. We haven't danced as a group of five before, and that could be our weakness." Audrey chimed in, "I think we can start rehearsing tomorrow, we will be fine" .
Amaia hesitated for a moment. She still felt like the newcomer, unsure if her input would be valued.
"I think we could also spread some work, and all take some hours in our day to watch different kpop videos, break them down by steps or formations, and debrief all together at the end of each day so we expand our repertoire."
Kirsten smiled at Amaia's suggestion. "That's a great idea, Amaia. We are kind of racing around the time here, so splitting up the work will be easier, and explaining to each other will help us understand how we all best understand choreos."
They knew that their success in "Street Woman Fighter" relied on their unity and innovation as a crew. As they wrapped up their meeting, Kirsten spoke up again, "Remember, we're a family now, and we're in this together. We'll support each other, learn from each other, and give it our all. No matter what, this is an opportunity for all of us, as a group and individually, we all have something to learn from this". On those wise words, Audrey and Amaia went back to their room, too exhausted to even debrief a bit, and succumbed to sleep.
On the next days, the team started to delve deeper into their preparations. They knew that battles were a crucial aspect of the competition, so Kirsten, ever the strategist, had mapped out potential battle scenarios. "We should consider practicing battles against each other," she suggested. "We can pair up and simulate battles to build our chemistry and sharpen our response time. Even our impro and freestyle needs a tiny bit of preparation if we have to battle in duos or more".
Latrice nodded in agreement. "That's a smart approach. Let's put on a random playlist and practices on different styles, we need to learn each other strengths as well."
Amaia agreed heartily, she always loved working and feeling her efforts paid off, and coming in prepared definitely helped her feel more confident. The girls' days then consisted in exploring a bit, watching videos to notes specific moves, training in the afternoon and pairing up, taking turns battling each. She was amazed by the levels of the girl, but Audrey had been right, she had felt able to keep up with them, and even confident enough to let her own style shine through.
After spending hours summarizing K-pop videos, and dissecting the elements that made them challenging, the girls gathered their notes and sketched out potential choreographies. They also briefly rummaged through their closet, mixing and matching outfits to find some coordinated look, and went shopping for some items that could help make their overall vibe more cohesive.
The days flew by, leaving the girls exhausted, but feeling more prepared than ever.
The unscripted scenario
RomanceAmaia has joined Jam Republic's team to take part in Street woman Fighter 2, a dance serie involving some of the most famous artists in Korea and worldwide. As she begins filming the show, lines between rivalry and attraction with Bada Lee blur and...