Surprise (2/2)

75 2 14

Next day.
Y/N's Pov:

Here I was standing in front of my locker taking out some of my books.
I heard someone call my name.
"Good morning Y/n!"
I turned around to see who it was.
"Oh, Good morning Joon! How are you?" I asked. He smiled a little looking down. Is he sad?
He was about to speak further when he stopped seeing someone wrapping a pair of strong arms around me. I smiled secretly knowing exactly who it was.
Here we go, here come the jealous guy again! Hehe!

"Yes... What were you saying Namjoon?" Yoongi asked him while snuggling his face in the crock of my neck. Omg! Look how jealous he is!
"Nothing! I was saying I to Y/N, not you!"
"Yeah, so say it! She I my girlfriend after all!"
When he said that I nudged him in his stomach with my elbow to stop this act now!
"Joon, ignore him! Say what were you saying!"
"Hm... I heard it from someone that it's your birthday today!And that you giving party to our class"
"Oh that, well you heard that right!"
"Then, you won't invite me?"
"What! Of course yes! You have to come today! And I you want you can bring your friends too!"
"Oh, that's really so sweet of you! Okay then... I'll see you two lovey dovey in the party tonight.... And yes! Make sure you sea that dress I bought you yesterday!"
"Sure!" I smiled at him and he went away...
I turned around to face Yoongi now.
He looked at me blankly.

"What did he said about the dress?"
"Oh that! Actually yesterday when me and Dahyun went for some shopping for today, I met Namjoon there and he paid for dress I liked. It's really a pretty dress and I'm gonna wear that today evening!"
"No. You're not going to wear that dress. Wear something else!"
"But I don't have any new dress to wear but just this one!"
"I don't know. Just wear something different!"
"Okay! But only if you'll give me a better dress than that..." I patted his cheeks playfully and went away while smiling secretly.

Time skip.
At evening.

"Yah! Y/n get ready quickly. Everyone is waiting for you downstairs!" Dahyun shouted from outside the room.
"Yeah I'm done just a few minutes please!" I shouts back from inside.
"Okay then I'll go, you come... Oh wait I forgot, someone sent you this parcel!"

"What it is!?" I peeked through the door to see it. She shrugged indicating she didn't knew as well. I took the parcel from her hands and closed the door again.

"Who could send me this now?"
I shrugged off and opened the parcel.
"OH MY GAWD!" Was the only thing left my mouth seeing what's inside.

It was such a classic yet elegant gown I've ever seen in my life! This was so much pretty

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It was such a classic yet elegant gown I've ever seen in my life! This was so much pretty. The simple design and light decoration on it, made it look even more adorable.
I picked up the dress. As soon as I unfolded it, a piece of paper fell down.
I bent down to pick it up and it was a small note on it.

'I know I'm a little late to send you this, but I hope you like it. This dress is not just a gift packet in a gift wrap, but also my true emotions that were binding today during the day. I may not know how is this dress in comparison to the one Namjoon gave to you. But I'm sure that you'll wear this one Now! You wanted me to give you a dress instead... So here you go. Now wear this and come. I can't wait to see you wearing this dress... My kitten!'

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