my weekends

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I was so pumped up for the weekends that I stayed up for so long until I started to feel to tired to go for more so I slept. On the next morning I had some breakfast and did some chores and showered. After that I furiously play games on my gadget for so freakin' long that I didn't even know what time it is anymore. But then I had my meal of the day and then played more and did some chores.

So you might be thinking why am I so lazy? I don't know anymore like seriously I don't know at all usually I forget to do the laundry, flip the clothes all anyways back to the story. Then I shower in the evening and ate my dinner, some chores and then play and sleep same goes for Sunday but I put my books in my backpack and get ready for school. So that's it fory story.

Thank you for reading

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Sep 24, 2023 ⏰

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my weekendsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang