💜💛Love at first sight?✨✨

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A quick revision! :D

With Lay and Blay..

Once The two (gay) boys were in the room, Blay closed the door and locking it. Then he stares at Lay.

Lay: why did you..-

Blay: So... You like him?

Lay: W-WHAT? N-N-NO!

Blay: Are you sure? I saw you blush when you looked at him?


Blay: I mean it kinda does... Cuz, you know, your blushing?

Lay and Blay where just arguing, now let's see what Kye and Gl has to talk about...

Back to the story!

Gl and Kye were in Kans room, Kye just stood there, staring at him while he was closing the door. Then Gl stared at Kye, while smirking of course. Then Kye said something to break the silence.

Kye: So, why did you bring me here?

Gl: You we're staring at Lay, and blushing a bit, do you like him already?

Kye: ...

Kye didn't know what to say, he did like him, but didn't want to confess right away, so he just stared him, sighed. Then said..

Kye: Maybe..?

After Kye said that, Gl just looked at him, surprised, actually. He didn't know someone, like Lay that could catch his eye that quick.

Gl: Soo... Love at first sight?

Kye: Guess you can say that..

Gl then saw Kye blush a bit. Gl decided that he could finally tease Kye, after all this time..

Gl: Soo-

Kye: No.

Gl: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Gl: Soo, you like him? Are you going to kiss him?

Kye: WH-

Gl: Come on! We all know you like him! Well, kinda...

Kye: Just shush.. -///-

Kye was actually blushing, Gl didn't expect that, but that's a start in a relationship! Right? Anyways, Gl decided that this (gay) talk was done, so he just left the room while his face was still smirking.

Gl: I'll leave you be, to.. You know, have a think about it!  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Then Gl left the room, and of course, not forgetting the close the door behind him. Kye was still thinking about it. Should he really love someone that quick? What if it happens like when he had Dilys? He didn't want that to happen. If they were together, Kye swore he would protect him with all his life..

He wanted Lay.

Kye couldn't stand it anymore, he just wants a partner, to replace Dilys. But will Dilys be angry? He didn't think about it too much, so he just left the room.

Once he did, he heard arguing, and of course, it was from Lay and Blay. Looks like Blay is still teasing Lay huh? Wow, Kye decided to ask Kan.

Kye*: What the.. Nevermind.. I'll just ask Kan about this..

He then approached Kan.

Kye: So.. What is going on?

Kan: Well.. They've at it for 3 minutes now! Blay wont stop teasing Lay, can you help?

Kye: I guess I can try..?

Kye looked at both of them, the two gay people arguing. Kye sighed and went to them both.

Kye: Hey, stop it you two, you guys have been fighting for 3 minutes, according to Kan.

While pointing at Kan.

Lay: O-oh! Uhm okay..?

Blay: Looks like your crush is here huh?~

Lay: S-SHUT UP BLAY! 0///0

Kye: Oh jeez..

When Kye finally calmed them down, everything was back to normal, Kye wanted to confess his feelings but.. He's scared that one day... Lay will be like Dilys, dead.. Kye started to cry a bit, and of course Lay notices it. Lay goes over to Kye.

He realises that Lay is going towards him. He wanted to play cool, but, couldn't due to his condition right now.

Lay: Are you okay Kye? 

Kye: Uh.. Yes yes.. I'm fine! No need to worry.

Kye smiles a bit. Lay doesn't believe him of course. Then Lay drags Kye into a room, then Yeosm and Blay notices. :insert man face:  (ANYWAYS)

With Kye and Lay..

⚠️ WARNING! The following story contains kissing, and probably sus moments, if you don't  like it, please skip and don't leave hate comments, thank you! ⚠️ 

Once the two (GAY) boys were in the room, Lay immediately stared at Kye, in a "I'm worried about you" face.

Lay: What wrong with you? Why.. Why are you crying..? 

Lay asked as he walked over to Kye. Once Lay was near him, Kye blushed a bit, then Lay was wiping off the tears that were on Kyes checks which his thumb. When done, he took a step back.

Kye: It's.. Its nothing important.. You don't need to know..

Lay: I want to know what's wrong! You don't cry much, do you?

Kye: Like I said, I'm f- Hffmp!~

Lay cut Kye off by kissing him, and of course, Kye, was surprised by his actions. He had been waiting to kiss him for a long time, so he kissed him back.

Imma end the story here! It's kinda the first time I'm writing this type of story in Wattpad (except for the Octonauts book-). Also, HAHAHAHA I LEFT YOU WITH A CLIFFHANGER AGAIN! Anyways, thank you for reading, bye!

Words: 808

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