Leave him

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Earth 982

Nueva York.

The news was out. You and Miguel were back together. Many had mixed opinions on it, some were saying he didn't deserve you, and others say that they were waiting for it. Some even made bets.

You now smiled more... so did Miguel. At some point everyone accepted it.

This in no universe meant that everything was back go normal. Nothing would ever be back to normal. Everyone saw what happened. Everyone knew what would happen if the canon was broken. That is why everyone is so hardworking here, they're all in fear of loosing their universes, all scared of ending up like you.

You were in your office, cleaning up some missions kids fucked up, more specifically, one that Gwen and Hobie fucked up.

They forgot to put a tracker on the anomaly and now they lost it. You sighed as you sent them another radar... you're happy that Hobie and Gwen have grown closer, they each have someone they can lean on now. Other than you.

You highly discouraged a relationship beyond friends for them because of their age differences... Gwen being 16, and Hobie pushing 20. Okay now that you put it into perspective it's a little weird. Thankfully their maturity gap was much much smaller than that.

You go to take a sip of your coffee when you notice that you cup is empty. You sigh and toss it into the bin. You keep taping on the screens, typing vigorously.


You pick up the call, and surprise surprise, it's Gwen and Hobie on a joint call. You dial into their universe's frequency and listen.

"Heyyyy Y/n..." Gwen says.

"Get on with it." You say. Your face is stern. In the tiny little camera you can see Gwen sprinting over a couple buildings. "Why are you running?"

"Ohhh... no reason... uh by the way, if I were to loose that anomaly what would be my punishment? Asking for a friend." She says between breaths.

"Three weeks lego land patrol. You crush one lego and you have to file 10 anomalies." You say to her. You watch as the look on her face changes into a disgusted one..

"What if you told me where- I mean what if you told my friend where the anomaly is and they capture it..?" Gwen says, she's now swinging in the air.

"Then you- your hypothetical friend... would... be let go with a warning." You roll your eyes.

"Ok ok... uhh... so where is the anomaly?" She asks sheepishly.

"God. Teenagers..." you do some digging and locate the anomaly, send it to her and she smiles when she sees the notification.

Knock knock...

Someone's at your door. You look over, the door is a blurred out glass but you could obviously make out the figure.

"Come in." You say. You twirl around in your chair and face the door.

Miguel opens it slowly and steps in. He's wearing his regular suit, with his mask off. He looks much healthier now... his eye bags are less pronounced and his lips are plump and moist and juicy and wet and thick and full and big and....

"Hola mi vida..." He's holding a cup in his hand, he walks over to you and set the cup down on the table. He leans down and pecks you on the cheek before taking a seat on a chair close to you.

"Hi Migs.." You mumble.

"Oh my god..." Gwen half covers her face with a hand. "So you two are together- I thought it was just rumours." She gasps.

"Through with you." Miguel Ohara x FEM y/n || ANGST, FLUFF, COLD HARD SMUT ||Where stories live. Discover now