Nighty Nightmares

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It was finally summertime. No more school, no more homework and finally i didn't have to listen to no more teenage relationship drama ever again. Two glorious months of freedom before my final year of school begins. "Hey, are you busy tonight." I turned to face my best friend, Waverley, and clicked my tongue. "No, sorry. I must babysit the Garrick twins tonight," I replied. Her shoulders sagged, the straps of her backpack slowly slipping a little. "Ah, man. It is the first day of summer. I had already produced some super cool shit for us to do too. Can't they find someone else for tonight?"

I shook my head and chuckled, "Sadly, no. Although I really want to hear about this cool shit you had planned for us." Waverley sighed," Maybe I could tag along?" My brows knitted in thought. "I'm sure they wouldn't mind, it's not like I'm going to host a crazy party or anything." I pulled out my phone and sent a quick message to Mr. Garrick. "So how old are the twins now? You have talked about them nonstop all year long. They must be some pretty special kids." My eyebrows shot up to my hairline, I softly chuckled," Ahhhhhh, yes. They are special all right. Tyler turned ten last month and Taylor has just recently turned nine last week." Bzzz. Bzzz. "Mr. Garrick told him and the misses are cool with you coming with me. Apparently, the twins are excited to meet you."

Once we made it to our neighborhood, Waverley and I split up. "What time should I meet you there?" she said as she started to walk backwards down the street. "Around 7pm would be good, bye Wave!" I shouted and made my way up the steps . "I'm home!" I yelled and shut the door behind me . Slipping off my sneakers, I tossed them on the shoe rack. "Took you long enough, help me set the table, "My older sister smiled and motioned me forward. I tossed my backpack on the recliner and joined her in the small, compacted kitchen. "Glad schools finally over? " she asked as she busied herself with prepping our plates . I snorted, "For now it is, then it starts all over again with a new year and new teachers."

She chuckled, "I'm sure senior year will fly by as quickly as your junior year did." She laid out some forks and two glass cups. "Better yet, skip the entire year and graduate." I cleared the stove and washed the dishes quickly. Placing them in the drying rack, I wiped my hands on the floral hand towel then joined her at the table. "It's not that bad, Callie." She picked up a few green beans with her fork. I rolled my eyes, "For you it was not, Sienna. You were cheer captain and homecoming queen. I'm nothing but a book worm and choir geek." She quirked a brow and took a bite from her medium rare steak. I glanced up at the kitchen clock above the trash can. I almost choked on my steak, " Crap! I need to go get changed." Sienna took a sip from her glass, "Why so eager to leave, little sis. My food that bad?" I laughed and kissed her cheek, "Your food is always 5-star quality, I just got to go to work." She waved me off and continued eating.

I rushed to my bedroom, slinking out of my clothes I hopped into the warm almost scolding shower. I dried off and brushed my teeth. I yanked a hoodie and a pair of skinny jeans from the closet and shimmied into my clothes. Checking the time on my wall clock, I slipped on a pair of socks and sneakers. I made sure to have my purse filled with all the necessities. Dashing down the spiraling staircase, I skidded to a half inches from the front door, "See you later, Sienna!" She shouted back, "Have fun!" I shut the door behind me and jogged down the street.

"Hey! There you are! " Waverley waved at me . She was standing at the end of the Garrick's driveway. "Hey, sorry I'm like a few minutes late. I got so caught up eating that I forgot about the time." She giggled," It's cool, I'd be forgetful too when enjoying your sister's delicious meals." We walked side by side up to the door. I knocked softly. "Glad you could make, Callie. Hello, you must be Waverley.," Mr. Garrick held his hand out and Waverley shook it, "Nice to meet you too, thank you for letting me be extra backup." He chuckled, "The more the merrier, my kids can be quite wild and hard to handle sometimes." Me and Waverley giggled.

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