𝟐. You can use my jacket...

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"Alright kiddos, welcome back to class

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"Alright kiddos, welcome back to class." Mr G said as Amelia sat on her seat. She shivered lightly, rubbing on her arm and looking up at Mr G.

"All right, check it out. Today I got a special lesson for all of you." He said and then Jeff stumbled into class with crutches being all dramatic.

Amelia sighed while rubbing her arms as the teacher kept talking "Oh my god. Annie, They went to juvie, that's how okay?" Amelia heard the girl beside her say.

She recognized the girl from yesterday at the fair, she didn't know her name, though. "Hey, hey, hey, you. overall bitch. this is you." Jeff grabbed a flask and smashed it into the table.

"God damn it, Jeff. What the fuck? Hey, you couldn't make that analogy with your fists?" Mr G exclaimed while the announcement went off.

"Hello, this is Principal Meyers with an important Huntington update. So, listen to this girl."

"Last night, outside the fair, a Huntington player followed me home, pinned me against my car and punched me in the face. And now my face is totally fucked."

"We haven't faced the violence of Huntington for 20 years. They think they can get in our heads by picking on our weak and defenseless. Well, we can't let them break our spirt, folks. Keep your heads in the game."

"They're gonna pork us! We're fucked!" "I'm screwed!"

"Hey. Hey, calm down just a little bit." Mr G tried to get everyone to calm down. "Oh, great. More violence. Just what this school needs." Tim sarcastically said while looking at PJ and Josie.

The bell then rings and Amelia sighed and started to pack up her stuff and stood up from her seat when Jeff shoved the girl from the fair into the desk in front of yours.

She stumbled and into the desk and stood up "Asshole." Amelia muttered while the girl quickly walked out of class but Amelia went after her.

"Hey." She grabbed the girls shoulder and she stopped walking and turned to the blonde. "Me?" Her eyes widened.

Amelia chuckled "Yeah..you. Are you alright?" She asked while the girl looked down, holding her books against her chest. "Yeah, I'm fine." She shrugged, trying to play it cool.

"I'm Amelia, by the way." Amelia smiled and tilted her head "Yeah..I know-I'm Hazel.." She replied while she noticed Amelia rubbing her bare shoulders in attempt to warm herself up.

"You okay, Amelia?" Hazel asked and she shrugged "yeah, i'm just freezing. I forgot my jacket in my car." Amelia sighed and Hazel thought for a second.

"You can use my jacket...If you want?" Hazel stumbled on her words and Amelia smiled at her. "That's really sweet, but it's okay.." she shrugged, looking down at the ground.

"No, really. Here..I'm super hot anyway-" Hazel pulled her jacket off and handed it to Amelia. "Thank you, really. I appreciate it."

Amelia put the jacket on and let out a sigh of relief "Your welcome, it looks..better on you than it does me anyway." Hazel said while Amelia blushed and looked up into her eyes.

"Well..I'll see you later maybe?" Amelia smiled and Hazel nodded her head "Yeah-uh maybe..bye, Amelia." "Bye Hazel."

𝐁𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐨𝐦𝐬 | Hazel CallahanWhere stories live. Discover now