𝟑. Let's fucking do this!

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"The Holocaust

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"The Holocaust. It happened." Mr G started as he turned to the class. A kid raised his hand and Mr G pointed at him. "Yes, it did."

"But how? The seeds were sown in the Treaty of Versailles, which y'all gonna reenact while do some little reading over here." Mr G said as he sat down.

Amelia walked over to Hazel who sat down on top of a desk away from everyone, writing in her notepad. "Hey." She said and Hazel quickly looked up from that familiar voice.

"Hi." Hazel said and Amelia smiled and handed Hazels jacket to her "Here you go, thanks again." Amelia looked up at Hazel while she grabbed the jacket.

"Your welcome.." She looked up and made eye contact with Amelia who tilted her head. "Um..PJ and Josie have this self defense club, they're trying to get more girls in maybe you could..stop by, if you want?" Hazel said.

"Sounds good.." Amelia smiled as she put her hands behind her back kind of awkwardly. "So, that means..you'll come?" Hazel asked and Amelia nodded her head slowly.

"Great, perfect..um-" Hazel got cut off by the bell ringing. "Well..I'll see you later then, Hazel." Amelia smiled while she walked off.

Hazel gulped harshly as she watched Amelia walk away with such confidence.


Amelia opened the door to the gym and saw a group of girls just all doing random things. She looked around and spotted Hazel, she smiled and walked over.

Hazel was sitting on the floor, messing with something and when Hazel looked up from the ground and saw you, she sat up more.

"Amelia, hey, you came." Hazel smiled brightly and Amelia smiled, pushing a piece of hair behind her ear. "Yeah, i said i would."

"Look, look. Amelia is here." Amelia heard Josie say and she turned her head and saw Josie and PJ looking at her and Hazel.

PJ nodded at her and Josie waved as Amelia smiled and waved at them before turning away and starting to put her hair up in a ponytail.

Hazel stood up beside Amelia as PJ suddenly started to hit a mop against the floor repeatedly to get everyones attention.

"Everybody, shut the fuck up!" PJ started to walk around "This isn't a little hang out, okay? Oh, it's not a sleepover, playtime. There are serious rules that we need to establish, okay?" She yelled.

Amelia slowly looked over at Hazel and caught her looking at her and when Hazel realized she was caught she looked up at the ceiling and Amelia smirked as she turned away.

"First, listen. Second, be on time. Yeah, Except you. You come whenever you want." She pointed at Mr G and he nodded slowly from his spot.

Amelia looked over at Hazel writing in her little note pad "What time is it?" PJ yelled and Amelia looked back at PJ.

"3:30." Annie replied, "3:30! Club starts at 3:15. Not 3:16, not 3:17, but the doors close at 3:15. No exceptions!" PJ said while she stood beside Josie.

"I don't care if you're like "oh, but I had to go to extra help for math because I..I need to get a full ride because my mom lives in a trailer and she loves her boyfriend more than me." La, la, la, Blah, blah, blah. shut up, okay? my dad left me and i'm incredibly punctual."

She turned to Josie and then behind her where Isabel and Brittney just walked in. "Um, hey guys. Come on in. Uh, we're just getting started here. So, um..today I think we're gonna start with some body contact. We're gonna do wrestling. I think I need a volunteer." PJ said, her whole tone changing.

"Brittney, you're close to me. You wanna.." PJ trailed off "I'm sorry, I thought we weren't allowed to be late?" Annie asked from behind them.

"That's not true.." Josie shook her head. "Oh, that's about next week!" "Yeah, next week." "No worries."

"Okay, i'm sorry. This is a self defense class, right? Where we can learn to protect ourselves against like, football players?" Annie asked as Sylvie raised her hand.

"And Huntington? 'Cause, um, they're gonna pork us." She said while Stella spoke up. "I thought we were fighting each other for money? Theres a cash prize, right?"

"I thought this was to be part of, like, a local underprivileged female community." Isabel said while Brittney nodded. "My identity is completely attached to hers, so I kind of just go wherever she goes." Brittney said.

"Everyones here for a good reason. So, uh, you know, like..why are we nitpicking reasons?" Josie shrugged and PJ nodded "Yeah, how about this. Let's jump in."

"I'll go." Annie raised her hand and she walked over to PJ who just straight up pushed her on the ground.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey. I don't know about this shit." Mr G stood up "You didn't even warn me?" Annie said while she stood up.

"Okay, well we didn't get warnings at juvie." PJ shrugged and Josie spoke up "Maybe we can take it slower."

"Maybe, yeah, try that. Take that route a little slower." Mr G nodded. "Look, you just use your natural instincts, just come at me." PJ puts her hands beside her.

Annie then just pushed PJ on the floor harshly "Okay, thats great. I say we go again." PJ exclaimed while she pushed Annie on the floor again.

"Ow, fuck! My back." Annie cursed from the floor. Hazel glanced at Amelia who looked shocked "Man, we gotta shut this shit down." Mr G said while walked over to the girls.

"We don't have to shut it down. She's fine. Are you fine? Are you okay?" Josie asked while PJ helped her. "Yeah, she's okay. She's totally okay."

"Shut this shit down." Mr G shook his head "Wait, I know that it's a little messy right now but, the only way that we can learn how to defend ourselves is by teaching each other." Josie said while she walked up closer to everybody.

"Huntington is coming. We need this. I know that things might seem scary but that's okay, because.." Josie trailed off and PJ jumped in.

"Because you're gonna be fucking pros. Right? Crystal, i'm thinking of you. You are never gonna get assaulted on your birthday again." PJ said, pointing at her.

"And..i'm gonna finally reverse stalk my stalker." Stella said. "I'll be able to kill my step dad!" Sylvie exclaimed "Awesome." "Okay.."

"And if you believe in us and then you trust us. I'm like, let's fucking do this!" PJ exclaimed and everyone started clapping.

"So good!" Hazel smiled and Amelia chuckled while she clapped. "Yes! Yes! Yes queen! Slay! Yes! Yes! Slay! Yeah!" Sylvie started screaming and everyone turned to look at her.

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