𝟒. Hate to ruin that face.

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Basically everyday, Amelia was at the self defense club, everyone would get in a circle while two people would just start hitting each other

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Basically everyday, Amelia was at the self defense club, everyone would get in a circle while two people would just start hitting each other. They all were all learning new things but everyone did have scars and marks all over themselves.

One of the days, Amelia stood in the circle in front of Brittney who shoved her and then Amelia slapped her with the back of her hand and Brittney gasped.

Brittney then punched Amelia in the face and she grabbed her face while she groaned and everyone clapped and they shook hands.

"You're bleeding.." Hazel said when Amelia stood beside her "It's alright." She chuckled and wiped the blood with her hand.

Another day Amelia stood in the circle in front of Hazel who bit her lip, nervously. Amelia made the first swing and Hazel dodged it and pushed her onto the floor but Amelia dragged her down with her.

They panted and Amelia kneed her in the stomach which made her fall beside her and Amelia got onto her lap, straddling it. They were inches away from each other so Amelia had sat up, still straddling her lap.

Hazel started to sit up when Amelia slapped her across the face harshly and Hazel groaned and grabbed her face while Amelia stood up and helped her up.

"Sorry, hate to ruin that face." Amelia whispered to her as she shrugged teasingly and Hazel almost wanted Amelia to slap her again.


This time they all sat in a circle, Amelia sat to the left of Hazel "So, we know this club has been a place where we feel empowered physically but we also thought it could be a safe space where we can open up and talk about our feelings." Josie said and then she looked over at PJ.

"Okay, said who's been raped?" PJ blurts out as she raises her hand "Just, you know, raise your hand." No one raised their hands "Gray area stuff counts too." Then everyone raises their hand, well except for Mr G.

"Everybody knows the situation with my step dad. He's just obsessed with Friday movie nights. I mean, I get it you're my new step dad, but fuck, whatever." Sylvie said.

"Every time I call the police about my stalker, they tell me to fill out an online form, and then the form says to call, then i call and they say they cant get involved until he tries to kill me. And he keeps saying he's going to, but that doesn't count. So it's just, like, annoying."  Stella said while she shrugged.

"We've all been there." PJ said and Brittney raised her hand. "Well, I've been assaulted like a million times, but i'm more annoyed that everyone knows me for being beautiful and popular but no one knows i'm actually smart and super driven. Like, I literally own a jewelry business and no one talks about it." Brittney said while looking around.

No one said anything "See?" She exclaimed. "Well, ever since my parents divorce my mom has been doing this, like, midlife crisis. I don't know how that's really sitting with me, you know? It's been really, really dark. This has been really meaningful to me, like, getting to know some new people who actually want to, like, get to know me." Hazel said.

Hazel turned her head to look at Amelia who was already looking her way and smiling at her and looked away from each other. "I want to bring it back to Brittney for one second.." PJ started. "I can go next." Josie interrupted her.

"I don't really like talking about juvie and everything that happened this summer. You know, obviously you get a lot of props or whatever 'cause people think it's so badass. It really wasn't, unless you consider getting hazed horrifically every single night, I mean um, obviously you know, we have to survive the Tributes and, you know, i did have to, like, fight people basically every single night. People were betting on us and we were given, like, shivs and rusty pocket knives and splinter wood and, um, pipes as well. And we had to just, like, fight people, sometimes to the death. And i still hear their screams at night. And that guilt with probably, like, always shackle me forever. I realized now, I don't have to be that person anymore. Like, I don't have to just let things happen to me 'cause of you guys. And i'm like, really grateful for what this club has become and especially from where we started and uh, yeah, sorry I feel like i kinda killed the vibe. I never really said that to anyone before, sorry. People wanna wrap up maybe?" Josie ranted and looked around at everyone, worried.

"I'm going through a divorce." Mr G blurts, making everyone look over at him as he took a deep breathe. "That shit felt good to say. Oh, I tell y'all, men need therapy." He said. "I think that's a good place to maybe wrap up." Josie said and everyone nodded.

Amelia put her jacket back on carefully, and looked over at Hazel who just went over to Mr G and started to pat his back comfortingly. Amelia found herself smiling while she admired the girl.

She looked down and started to tie her shoe while Hazel got up after a few minutes and Amelia put her backpack on while she stood up. She walked over to her "Hey, Hazel."

"Amelia, hi." She said while she put on her jacket. "I was just wondering..if you're doing anything tomorrow?" She tilted her head.

"Nope, nothing..why?" Hazel put her backpack on and Amelia shrugged "Maybe we could..study for Mr G's woman murdered in history test together." Amelia bit her lip while she looked at the girl.

"Uh, yeah..yes." Hazel nervously said and Amelia smirked "great, I'll see you tomorrow." Amelia walked off and Hazel turned to check out the blonde girl.

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