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A very Warm welcome by your author kia 💗

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A very Warm welcome by your author kia 💗

Today's view

🍂you are beautiful
You are worthy
You are enough🍂

°°Let's start°°


Author's Pov


As they entered, a horrific scene unfolded before them. The living room was a disaster zone, sofas tossed here and there, cushions and curtains torn apart, flower vases shattered, and everything in disarray.

"What happened here, and where is everyone?" Ishani asked, moving towards the room but was stopped by Veer gripping her wrist, shaking his head in dissent.

"Don't go inside. We don't know what happened here; maybe someone broke in and caused all this chaos," he said, pulling her close to him.

"But we must go, Veer. Who knows where everyone is? We need to find them," Ishani insisted, trying to break free from his hold, but he tightened his grip around her waist.

"First, let's calm down, then we can figure something out. We need to stay calm in this situation," he replied, looking into her eyes. That's when they heard a noise from another room and exchanged glances.

"Shall we go?" Ishani asked.

"Yes, but not you. You stay here and be a good girl," Veer said, his grip loosening. "No, Veer, I am also coming," she insisted.

"Ishani, I said stay here, so stay here. We can't take risks," he stated firmly, but Ishani was not one to listen. If not by obedience, then she would resort to her trump card, as she did now.

"Why? What if there really is a thief or something? You don't want to take risks, but what if they come here and kidnap me?" she argued, looking at him with her innocent, tear-filled puppy eyes. Little did he know, her concerns were genuine. What if the perpetrators of the noise were waiting for him to leave?

Shaking off his thoughts, he took her hand. "Stay with me," he instructed, and they started moving towards the room. As they got closer, the noise grew louder. Standing in front of the door, he held the doorknob with his other hand, glanced at her, then back at the door, and opened it.

Upon entering, they saw another disastrous mess, but this time the whole family was present, including Nirmala aunty, the head maid of the Rawat's [from chapter five, 'Who is She?'] However, it didn't look like they had been attacked; it seemed they were searching for something.

"What are you all doing?" Veer inquired. As everyone turned to look at them, Abhi was about to speak, but before he could, they all heard barking. Suddenly, a dog bounded over to Ishani and began licking her face—it was Coco, who always licked her when he missed her, as he did now.

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