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My pov: I was hanging out with my dinosaur friends,it was a normal thing for me to do they all respect me but that's because I'm their queen.you might be thinking kayle how did you become a queen?and why did the dinos let you?well long story short their queen before me has been around since 1993,I know that's a long time.but when she found me she told me I was the perfect fit and she gave her position to me that's how I became queen of the dinosaurs but only the ones i know,also the old queen is a T-Rex her name is rexy and the loyal followers are a velociraptor named blue a baryonyx named chaos a carnotaurus named fire and an allosaurus named gray.When rexy first brought me to meet her followers there was a dilophosaurus named sweetie her and I instantly got along we were best buds we did everything together until she got sick that day changed everything sweetie died from her illness I lost a close friend that day so when i took my position as queen I vowed that i will be the best leader anyone has ever seen but i forgot to mention we recently lost another one of are members it was chaos,she sacrificed herself to save ours and what i mean by "ours"is i have found some human friends at the time they were being haunted by some inhuman force rexy had made a decision that her and the others will protect each of the kids well I was protecting two myself chaos had grown close to the kid she was protecting they shared a lot in common they thought of each other as siblings even if they were different species that didn't matter to them but you all probably want to know why chaos sacrificed herself well that thing that was haunting them finally faced them well us I was there too so were the dinos that were protecting the others when this clown abomination was attacking Eddie chaos attacked the monster and she threw herself as well as the monster over a hole in the ground we were all upset that she had done that but all we could do was mourn for her I miss chaos we all do I feel bad for eddie too he thought of chaos as an older sister.sigh but that's what happened now i must stop thinking about chaos or else rexy might notice that I'm upset anyways I'ma go find someone to talk to let's see who's around here at the moment...hmm ah hah blue she's the bravest one exactly like rexy she's also very serious with the others but she can be sweet at times with me and rexy at least I walk up to blue she's laying down just relaxing in the sun."hey blue,anything new?"I ask her"hello my queen,everything's fine this afternoon.no sign of danger"that's good to hear...have you checked up on mike at all since the last time you saw each other?"I ask curiously"no I haven't seen him since,why do you ask?is everything ok with him?"she asks me genuinely concerned"oh no of course not i would let any of you know if something was wrong with them.i was just curious that's all..."i trail off not knowing what to say next blue just looks at me for a bit then she looks at the ground I can feel she's hesitant to say something there's something on her mind but what is it?"blue are you ok?"i ask worried in her sudden change"oh..uh i was just thinking about something that's all,no need to worry my queen."she tells me she's avoiding eye contact with me blue's never acted like this before"no seriously blue i can tell something's wrong your avoiding eye contact with me you never do that.so what's wrong?you know you shouldn't hide information from me right?"i tell her sounding more serious now she nervously looks at me as she takes a deep breath"I didn't want to say this because I thought maybe you would find out on your own but..this is important so uh i should tell you,I hope you won't feel uncomfortable when i tell you this."what does she mean?"um well i shouldn't feel uncomfortable,so go ahead tell me what's wrong."she hesitates at first but builds up the courage to talk"ok so do you know what going in heat means?"she asks me"well I kinda do,but what does this have to do with anything?"I ask her"well there's many reasons why actually..do you know what it truly means though?"she asks again but this time sounding a little more serious than before"hmm well I truly know that only animals get it more specifically females do,but that's all I know."sigh ok you got that right But that's not all of it,so basically being in heat means that a certain time of the month or even months a female go's into heat and this happens because are body's are telling us to mate so we can have offspring not only do we notice that we're in heat the males do to because of how strong the heat sent is anyone can notice even animals that aren't like us..so now that I told you what it means sigh I'll just get to the point kayle my queen,this is serious ok?"uh..ok"my queen you are experiencing your first heat."i just sit there shocked what?!did she notice I was in heat??no there's no way yeah I may be part raptor but I shouldn't be like an animal"no way that can't be true! there's no way that can happen I'm not even fully a raptor!this can't be true."but kayle it is,I can smell it like I said it has a strong smell and it's radiating off of you like fire.you must take this seriously!"she explained to me in a sharp tone oh my she was serious i can tell blue isn't lying"so it's true I'm actually in heat?"yes kayle it's true,I promise I'm not lying."so do the others know too?"they don't yet,but they will when you walk by them the sent will radiate off of you it always will until it go's away by itself or you find someone who can take care of.which is why i should warn you not to go by the males fire and gray will instantly smell it and they will know it's you the sent will become stronger around males they would try to resist it but sooner or later they will give in and they would try to mate with you I thought I would warn you about that."yeah that's great to know thanks,wait do you think bill and them would know?"hm I wouldn't think so humans are different from us they don't have a great sense of smell or hearing,they also don't experience going into heat like us if they do it's completely different.but no you shouldn't have to worry about that unless you tell them they wouldn't have a clue that you were different,so I wouldn't worry about it I would worry about fire and gray just try to keep a low profile they might not notice anything wrong with you ok?"I think about what she just said I honestly can't find the courage to speak I at least am able to tell her ok but that's it I sit there for a few minutes as I'm going to leave I hear footsteps they're big too oh please just let it rexy and leaf feather.i mumble to myself as they get closer I can hear them talking oh fuck that's not rexy or leaf feather it's the only males of are group"kayle."I hear blue say I turn to look at her"it's fire and gray,run!get away from here go to your friends stay with them until your heat is gone!"what?!how am i supposed to know when it's over?!"I'll come see you later but go now!"she roars at me I do as she says i run away from there i made it to the end of the forest great now i have to live with one of my friends until my heat go's away that's gonna take a long time!but it's better safe then sorry.

Omg yes I have finally did something different and I'm excited to see where this story go's welp I hope you enjoy this one cause I love it already awayways good night guys love you!!

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⏰ Last updated: May 25 ⏰

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