The kiss

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''OK, when do we go to the spirit world and attack them with a surprise attack?'' asked Kira.

"If luck is on our side, we will never see her again.  But I doubt this very much.  We should get going, we're slowly running out of time!" Paul explained and went over to another portal.

It wasn't the green portal that leads to the "normal" world, but gray and very dusty.  Apparently it hadn't been used for a long time, but it was the right one, the mist from the spirit world came through the portal to the two of them and disappeared immediately when it touched Paul's feet.

Before he went into the mist, Kira held his arm.  He looked at her and Kira asked, "Why are we running out of time?"

Paul looked deep into her eyes and said: "You have to trust me!" "Ok, I do."  Paul slowly moved away from the portal and walked over to the desk.

"I think we can still use this timepiece!" Paul held up a gold chain. The pendant was a small, old-fashioned clock.

Kira wasn't standing at the portal, against the wall.  Paul came up to her and pushed her against the wall.  He looked at her and kissed her gently on the lips.

Paul argued back and grabbed Kira's hand.  He pulled her to the portal and asked, "Are you ready?"  " Kira nodded and they went through the portal. It led them straight into the mysterious forest.

Kira was frightened; in front of her was a mix of wild boar and goat.  The body structure like a pig, as well as the nose.  But the legs and also the ears were shaped like a goat.  The figure grinned at the two and disappeared in a northerly direction.

"Why do we never travel through time, but always here?" "You've traveled through time before, even if it was an unwanted journey. But I still think the question is legitimate, we always come back here  "Here, how the central one is located here. If you want, I can show you the whole thing on the map, which at the beginning led me to the idea that there is a ghost land."  Paul replied.

Kira took out the old map, where only the Haunted Forest is marked.  Then Paul dug into his pocket and pulled out a second half.  She didn't show the forest like that but rather the time travel meeting point.

Kira took the halves in her hand and put them together.  Now you could see everything exactly.

Paul picked up a pen and a ruler.  He scribbled on the map.  Kira looked at him in disbelief and shouted: “What are you doing?  "

But Paul was already finished.  He had drawn a line to all the places.  So the two of them could see that all lines always meet at one point, here in the forest, specifically at the palace of the spirits and moon wolves.

Kira now understood that they couldn't avoid the fight.  She stood up and stepped into the darkness of the forest.

The Ghosts in my House 1 (English)Where stories live. Discover now