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Third person pov

In park mansion

"Jimin wake up baby. It's getting late for your college" a sweet voice said while opening the large curtains.

"Just 5 more mins leo please" jimin said burying his face into the pillow.

"You are telling this for past half an hour. Now will you get up or should I call mom huh?" Leora said pulling up the covers from jimin.

"Arggg!! Fine I'm getting up" jimin groaned and got up with hesitation.

"I can't even sleep peacefully in my own home then where will I go" jimin scoffed cutely while going to bathroom. Leora just laughed at his cuteness.

After few minutes jimin came downstairs fully dressed up neatly with little makeup looking gorgeous as always.

Jimin saw leora and his mom are sitting in the dinning table waiting for him. They passed a sweet smile to him and he did the same.

"Good morning mom, good morning leo" jimin greeted them while taking seat beside leo.

"Good morning baby" melliva and leora said.

Maids started to serve them foods.
After finishing their meal. All three started to leave to their respective destination. Melliva and leora to their company and jimin to his college.

Jimin is currently sitting in his car in the back seat while using his phone. The car driver is continuously looking at him through the front mirror with his hungry eyes.

He is lusting over jimin from the very first day when he got the job as car a driver, he is just waiting for a right time to come until that he have to wait. But he can't he control himself sometimes when jimin is looking like full course meal.

Soon they reached the college and jimin got off from the car and went inside the college still using his phone. He went to his locker and saw many greetings, bouquets, red roses, jimin just sighed and took out the books for his today's session. He just got used to those greetings and bouquets because he knows some stupid alphas might have kept that. Doesn't matter how many times he would say that don't keep such things because he can't return their feelings. Because he already gave his heart to someone. He is madly in love with that alpha.

Jimin just blushed while thinking these things. Suddenly he got panicked when felt a pair of arms around his waist but got relieved when he recognized the familiar scent. Jimin blushed so hardly but hid it and turned around.

"Hey tae tae" jimin hugged taehyung back.

"Why are you late today huh?" Taehyung asked, they pulled out from the hug. Jimin was about to answer when ..

"You slept. Right?" Taehyung said. Jimin just nodded, embarrassingly.

"I know, you sleepy head" taehyung said and they made their way to their classes while chatting.

When they were near to their class, they heard loud noises coming from the class as usual. Jimin scoffed at that while cursing the person who causing this in his mind.

When they entered class they saw a huge crowd. Someone was surrounded by them. Jimin made disgusting face and went straight to his seat, taehyung followed him and sat beside him. They took our their books and started to read.

"Hey beauty" someone called jimin. Jimin ignored as he know who is that.

"Hey you stupid omega!" That someone shouted.

"What the hell jeon. What the fuck do you want, can't you see I'm reading, are you blind" jimin fired back

"Shut the fuck up if you replied me when I called you softly then why would I shout at you" jungkook asked loudly. Now everyone just ignored them as they know it's their routine to fight like this.

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