twenty one

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It was the day

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It was the day. July 5th 2023. Chicago.

When Ju-won woke up the bedside on the left, right next to her, was empty. There lay just a folded blanket on it. There were no bags on the floor. At least most of them.

Just her own bags, her suitcase and Heeseung's suitcase. Closed and stand on the hotel room's floor.

Ju-won was woken up by her phone alarm clock which rang at 6am. Early.

And even though her Brother was earlier driven away than her. He only returned at 1am in the night. Ju-won noticed when she woke up while her brother was getting ready for bed in the bathroom. In the night.

The members had to be at the concert hall much earlier than the crew. Of course the lead staffs and managers also needed to be there early but most of the crew backstage were from the team in Chicago.

Ju-won put on a cute outfit. She planned on wearing this when she was still in Korea. After she showered, brushed her teeth and tied her hair into a bun with some made curls, she put on her outfit.

She ended up wearing a purple short tight skirt, a white cropped puffy blouse. She combined it with wearing white airforce. It looked good on her.

Ju-won knew the staff will pick her up from down in front of the hotel at 7 am. It was 6.45am when she took a look at her phone.

Still enough time to get finished but she shouldn't take too much time.

She quickly put on some mascara, a small eyeliner, a little bit of silver shimmering eyeshadow and in the end a rose lipgloss. All of these things were put in her small black bag in the case she would need to remake her makeup on the toilet.

It was perfectly 8 a.m when Ju-won stood in front of the hotel, waiting for one of the staffs to pick her up. She didn't even have to wait long. Just 2 minutes.

This time it wasn't a van which she drove in. It was a small black audi with just her and Hong Baekho. Her favourite Staff member since her brother's debut.

Otherwise they were talking very often with eachother. But on this ride Ju-won prefered to just peacefully listen to music to calm herself down before all of the big crowds of people which wasn't really her favourite things to see and also experience.

The ride then was longer than the one to the practise studios. Of course it was. They were now performing at the biggest stadiums in Chicago. It was placed relatively in the middle of the city.

Although it was 2 hours long it didn't feel like that for Ju-won. She could drive hours and hours when she's just looking out of the window and listen to her music.

Before getting out of the car in front of the back of the big stadium, Baekho handed her a vip member pass for the security check. Without this she wouldn't be allowed to go inside the backstage area.

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