𝟓. Do you like her?

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"First club fundraiser, i'm so excited

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"First club fundraiser, i'm so excited. Great turnout, right?" Stella said with a smile. Amelia, Stella, Isabel, Brittney, Hazel, Josie and PJ were all there currently.

Amelia followed Isabel, Brittney and Stella while Hazel, Josie and PJ stayed to the side. Hazel groaned while she grabbed onto her green t shirt.

She had been acting strange since Amelia first saw her but she just assumed that maybe she was either tired or on her period, so she didn't say anything about it.

"Ah, We're havin' fun. We're selling panties. You know Brittney said she'd make me a custom bracelet." PJ said while Hazel slowly went to sit on the floor, groaning.

"Do you wanna um, celebrate? We could get some chicken on a stick tonight?" PJ asked Josie who looked down slowly. "Um, I can't. Uh, Isabel and I have plans so.." Josie smiled and shrugged while PJ's jaw dropped. "You're hanging out with Isabel?"

"Yeah." Josie smiled while looking over at Isabel who stood beside Amelia at the table. "Fuck, you're fast. Oh, my god, okay. I have to keep up." PJ nodded her head.

Hazel groaned while she looked down at the floor and PJ looked at her. "Hazel, what is wrong? Are you constipated or something?"

"I'm fucking tired. My mom was up all night fucking the meathead." Hazel said "What meathead? Hi. Underwear, cars, thanks." Josie handed out one of the cards to a guy that walked by.

"You know, like, the guy. He's like the crybaby. With the balls? He catches them and he..he throws them? He's like the main guy." Hazel said while Josie and PJ looked confused.

"J-Jeff?" Josie asked before glancing over at Isabel and lowering her voice "Is your mom hooking up with Jeff?" She asked. "I just thought Jeff might be her safe word." Hazel shrugged. "Jeff is his name, you idiot." PJ exclaimed.

"Just get the hot people confused, Jesus." Hazel said as Amelia started to walk over to the three of them. "Fuck, Amelia is coming." Hazel ran her hands over her hair which made PJ and Josie look over at her.

"Do you like her?" PJ whispered and Hazel gasped "No!" "Hey guys!" Amelia smiled "Hey." Josie smiled and Hazel quickly stood up. "Love that skirt, Mel." PJ said and Amelia bit her lip and smoothed it out. "Thank you, PJ."

"Amelia, are we still studying later?" Hazel quickly said, making the three girls look at her. "Of course, Haze." Amelia smiled at her.

"How about at my house?" Amelia suggested and Hazel nodded her head quickly. "That would actually be perfect." Hazel smiled at the blonde girl.

"Great." Amelia smiled and walked away, back over to Isabel. "Wow.." Hazel said out loud while she watched the girl walk away. "You do like her." Josie whisper yelled and Hazel looked down at the ground. "Okay, fine. I do." Hazel shrugged.

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