𝟕. A super small bomb.

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Amelia was sitting at the table with PJ and Josie and some others from the self defense club "So how was last night?" PJ asked Josie who looked stressed

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Amelia was sitting at the table with PJ and Josie and some others from the self defense club "So how was last night?" PJ asked Josie who looked stressed.

"Uh, bad, probably. I would say." Josie responded after a few seconds. "Wait, really?" PJ asked as a door slammed and everyone turned to see Isabel approached the table Jeff sat at, Hazel walking close behind her.

Isabel made it to the table quickly "Are you having sex with Mrs Callahan?" She asked loudly. Jeff looked shocked "Baby, you look beautiful. Like, so fucking hot. How..how are you?"

"Bad. Are you having sex with her?" Isabel responded quickly. "I'm..i'm helping her with her taxes." He lied. "Aren't you in 8th grade algebra?" Hazel spoke up from beside Isabel.

"I can't answer that question because i-i don't know how to read" He said "She's asking you to your face!" Isabel exclaimed and he sighed.

"Fuck, that usually works." He looked down at the table "Are you cheating on me again?" Isabel asked him again "Baby, no! No! Why would..Why would I..that was one time! Just one time with your sister, just once, two, four times. No! I would never cheat on you, again. I promise you I am not sleeping with her."

"I literally saw you yesterday-" Hazel started but he cut her off "Shut up, nerd! I fucked your mom! Wait.." He looked back at Isabel after realizing what he said. "Yeah, we're done." She shook her head and turned around.

"I'm getting revenge. We're gonna fuck up some football players and i'm buying a gun." Isabel said while everyone in the fight club started to follow her.

"Hell yeah. I'll get my stepdad's." Sylvie said. "What about, like, egging?" Annie suggested. "Yeah, so we can make 'em not refrigerated and smelly?" Sylvie said and Annie agreed while Hazel stopped walking.

"Or what about, like, a bomb?" She blurted out, making everyone turn to look at her. "Like a..like a super small bomb." She shrugged while everyone looked confused.

"I mean, they're super easy to make, and I can just put it under his car, and it could be a distraction." She suggested. "Yeah, Hazel, let's do terrorism." PJ said making Amelia chuckle.

Hazel shook her head and followed after them when they kept walking and made the plan to egg Jeffs house.

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