11. The Poison of the Party

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11.   ╱ The Poison of the Party

   THE FORTH OF JULY SEEMED TO BE GETTING BETTER AND BETTER AS THE DAY WENT ON. Marigold couldn't be anything but thankful, especially after how this summer had been going. But now, Belly wasn't angry at her, she wouldn't have to see her dad, and even her brothers and her were getting along. Marigold could only assume the Heavens above were apologizing for all the shit that's happened.

   "My dad runs a hedge fund. I'm not really sure what he does much more than that, but growing up, I always thought he worked on bushes," Shayla informs the Conklins as they pick at the food in front of them.

   "I still think that," Laurel jests, earning a couple laughs. "And what does your mom do?"

"Mom," Steven interrupted. "Come on, stop interrogating her."

   "It's all right," Shayla cuts in, likely to break Steven away from the condescending glare he received from Laurel. "She's at a wellness retreat in Arizona until August. Code for 'I need to get away from my family for a bit.'"

   "Shayla! You have to read this text. Come here!" Gigi announces from where she stands, over by Susannah.

   "Duty calls," Shayla jokes softly before excusing herself. "But it was so nice to meet the both of you. You have really raised an incredible son. He's extremely respectful."

   "Thank you," Laurel says as they watch the girl retreat from the table. "See you later."

   Marigold bumps Belly's arm softly, placing one of the cookies that she knew Belly wanted, since she'd been eyeing it, onto her plate. The shorter girl looked up at Marigold, smiling in thanks.

   "What a rad girl, Steven," their father declared. Marigold instantly found herself scrunching her nose in disgust at his word choice.

   The oldest Conklin groans. "Don't say 'rad,' Dad."

   "Don't───don't . . . don't say that," Belly joins in, shaking her head at her father. She shares a weird look with Marigold who laughs quietly.

   "No, I'm a rad dad," their father adds and Marigold almost throws up at how unfunny his funny joke was.

   "I like her. She's confident, knows who she is," Laurel declares, breaking up their conversation. "I'm surprised a girl like that would want to deb."

   Marigold glanced over at Belly, realizing her mother's words were effecting her. The Fisher tapped the Conklin's hand with her own, smiling at the girl to let her know, she was right there.

   "Is there a place around here I can rent a tux for you?" John questions his son. Before Steven had the chance to respond, Shayla was calling him over.

"No, no. I've got it covered, Dad. Thank you," Steven informed, quickly placing his plate down before making his way over to the girl.

   "So, tell me about this deb ball," John says, moving his attention over to his youngest.

   "Yeah, uh, apparently, it's for girls like me. Girls who don't know who they are," Belly says, glancing over at her mother.

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