Love Doesn't Conquer All

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He stares at her with narrowed eyes, the color of coal.

"I'm not good for you Lydia" he says in a deathly whisper, " I kill for money, you were my next Target, Don't you get that." He hisses. She looks at him, her pale blue eyes staring at him with stubbornness.

"But you didn't, why?" She asks, her light musical voice confident and without fear. He strides up to her grabs her by the neck and throws her up against the wall, his body flush against hers as he squeezes on her neck. But still her eyes stared back at him without fear.

"What makes you think I wont?" He growls, letting up on the squeezing, allowing her to speak. She sucks in huge mouth fulls of air and coughs harshly. Her eyes train themselves back to him her voice hoarse as she answers him.

"Because you love me." She whispers. He growls again and once more applies pressure to her throat, his eyes growing darker then ever before. Finally a small flicker of fear enters her eyes as she brings her hands up, trying to grip his hand to let her lose, he presses harder. " Stanton.... stop" She manages to squeeze out she claws at his hands as he gives her an evil grin, "You think you have me all figured out don't you? DON'T YOU!' he shouts in her face bringing his close to hers, her full red lips slowly becoming pale as the blood is blocked from her brain. He stares at her watching as the fear grows stronger and stronger and she starts to kick, fighting with what little strength she had left, the fear in her eyes turning to full blown terror. He looks down at her full lips that were slowly becoming bloodless as the blood was being cut off from her brain. Please" she mouths her eyes pleading with him. With one final squeeze he lets go, stepping back and watches as she sinks to the floor coughing heavily. " You know nothing about me Lydia. GO, run away from here to your rich little family in your rich little house. go back to living your rich little world,, and leave me alone." He says devoid of all emotions. He turns his back on her and in three long strides crosses the room and flings open the door. Standing in the door way he looks over his shoulder at her. She was sprawled out on the floor, her dress fanning around her, as she massages her neck, her eyes glazed over with tears that had yet to be shed. "Do us all a favor Lydia, Just forget about me." And with that said he leaves the room, leaving behind the girl who had stolen his heart. Lydia scrambles to her feet and runs for the door into the night, the cold air blasting her with an icy wind. She scans the area but Stanton had already melted in with the shadows.

"Stanton I know you're there," She calls out into the night, the only sound answering her was the sounds of crickets. Still she speaks on. " I know you can hear me I can feel you watching me." She says speaking the truth, she could feel eyes upon her but from where she could not pinpoint, " I believe you now, You're a terrible man, but that doesn't stop me from loving you." She says her tears finally sliding down her face. " I will never stop loving you, and if you are going to just walk away from me that I don't want to live without you." and with that she produces a small dagger that was hidden in the folds of her dress, posing it above her heart she gives a final sob. Taking her hands away she quickly yanks it down, bracing herself for the pain as it plunges into her heart.

"NOOOOO!" She hears him roar as the pain consumes her, her strength deserts her and she falls to the ground. A pair of strong arms catching her before she hits. She opens her eyes to see Stantons blurry form looking at her, his eyes wide and startled. She smiles and reaches her hand up to touch his cheek. "Why?" he whispers, raw emotions filling his voice.

"Because I love you." She says before the darkness takes her, her hand dropping softly to her side, her eyes closing. He holds her limp body in his arms and screams into the night, what was left of his heart shattering into a million unrepairable pieces. Spying the dagger still plunged into her chest he delicately takes it out and without thinking takes the sharpened blade to his wrists and slices from elbow to wrist. his blood pooling out in a red river. His strength seep s out of him as he clutches her body to him, crying for the first time in many years.

"I'll be with you soon my love," He whispers as a fog takes hold. His arms falling away from her as death takes him.

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