𝟖. It's gonna blow!

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Amelia was in the black van with all the girls, on the way to Jeffs house to egg it, once they got there everyone got out in their black masks to cover their faces and started to egg his house and throw toilet paper in the trees

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Amelia was in the black van with all the girls, on the way to Jeffs house to egg it, once they got there everyone got out in their black masks to cover their faces and started to egg his house and throw toilet paper in the trees.

They failed at the toilet paper in the trees but they did successfully egg his room window and other windows as well.

Amelia was helping with the egging, tossing them from afar and getting his room windows. They all quickly ran back to the van, Amelia turned to look at all the girls.

"Guys, where is Hazel?" Amelia exclaimed and everyone started to look around. "Where the fuck is she?" PJ looked toward the house.

Little did they know Hazel was putting a bomb under Jeffs car, and when she successfully did so ran out from where his car was parked "It's gonna blow!" She shouted while running over to the girls.

"Oh, wow, yeah, it's gonna blow, guys." PJ sarcastically said, turning to everyone until the car actually blew up making everyone jump and started to shout and run to the van.

"Oh my god!" Amelia screamed as Hazel ran into her arms "What the fuck?!" PJ exclaimed. "Holy shit!" everyone quickly got into the van and took off the masks.

Annie drove away as quickly as she could and started to take everyone home. "Holy shit, Hazel. You could have gotten hurt." Amelia couldn't help but smile though as she lightly pushed Hazels shoulder.

"It's fine, Mel." Hazel chuckled as everyone was still shouting about what just happened.

"Hey, Mel?" Hazel whispered to the blonde girl who turned her head to look at her "Yeah?" She whispered back. "Did you ask your mom if I could come over?" Hazel asked her.

"Yeah, she said it was fine as long as i go to school tomorrow." Amelia tilted her head and Hazel smiled "Okay, cool."

"Amelia, we're here." Annie called from the driver seat and Amelia quickly got up and got out of the car and Hazel followed her out. They got to her doorstep and Amelia took out her keys from her backpack and unlocked the front door and went inside with Hazel.

Amelia sighed as she turned the light on and shut the front door and locked it. "You hungry?" Amelia turned to Hazel who quickly shook her head no. "Are you thirsty?" Amelia then asked and Hazel shook her head no again.

"Okay.." Amelia walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge and grabbed two water bottles while Hazel followed her quietly.

She turned around and Hazel was right there in her front of her, she almost bumped into her. Hazel looked down and grabbed Amelia's face and kissed her.

Amelia was surprised but slowly closed her eyes and kissed Hazel back while Hazel grabbed her by her waist and pulled her closer as Amelia melted into the kiss.

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