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As always the whole Elrentinia was peaceful and beautiful , childrens were playing , ladies and housewives were doing their house chores , farmers were ploughing at the fields , birds chirpping almost everyone was busy and doing their own work , but looking at the scence one will notice a thing about everyone which was same..........

Everyone was happy , they were smiling and contented with their lives here , looking at them , no one can say that they regret anything in their lives ever .....

Wealth , love , prosperity , peace , there is everything which anyone can ask for , the hard work and determination to make it better than before of the people is really a source of admiration and the most bright star in Elrentinia's ancestry

The chirm walking sound of horses were heard in the busiest street of the market , the village chief was present there with some royal guards , looking at the presence of royal guards , crowd stared to form all around the place , children , elders , young lads and girls all were anticipated by
what is going on......

The head guard started.......

To all the people's of the great Elrentinia , the royal majesty king and his royal highness queen greets you on the behalf of the royal family , it's an honour for us to rule and live in a kingdom like The great Elrentinia , we wish to have your presence at the imperial hall of the palace today as a special and very important announcement will be made by the king , we wish to have your blessings and good wishes

Have a good day
Live long , Elrentinia

Finishing the letter from the king , all guards left shortly after , the crowd was shattered , but everyone had the idea of what the announcement was going to be ......

( conversation 1) ( group of some elders of the village)

- finnally the long awaited announcement is here , right???

- yeah I knew it was going to happen sooner or later after all the prince are both adults now and the princess is also following behind

- yes,yes it's a good thing , our majesty needs to rest , he had did so much for us now it's time for the royal king to have a vacation

( conversation 2). ( some young lads and girls)

- so , are you guys going??

- offcourse , it's not even a question

- it's been long we didn't meet the princes and princess

- yeah , I miss those days when we used to play without caring about the scholar degrees and academics

- are you upset about it ??

- no and I never will , I want to serve my kingdom for that I have to do the hard work plus I like studying and reading the ancient history of Elrentinia and the mightic CARATLAND

- that's the way to go!!!

(conversation 3 ) (some childrens )

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