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Khalil Josiah Porter

"Where the hell did you get a gun from Khalil?" I stayed quiet for a second before I responded. "Mama I-." "Boy don't even think about lying to me. I moved you out here to get you away from Oak Hill . You see it took your brother now you want to follow in his foot steps."

"I'm only going to tell you this once . I can't save you Khalil . When the police come for you I'm not going to be there to get you out of it. Promise me you won't do anything stupid."

"I promise."

2 days later .

"Khalil you coming with us or what?"" Where are y'all going?" I asked."We got the drop on the people who killed your brother. You down or what?"

I stopped in my tracks. I felt the blood inside me boiling. All I could think about was the hurt and pain I had inside of me because of my brothers death and the only thing I wanted to do was pay them back with the pain they caused me.

I got in the backseat of the car with my cousins. I never kilt anyone before. I barely knew how to work a gun so how would I be able to take someone else's life. I knew this life wasn't good but the money and the things that came with it made me want to cause hell.

———- 4 Hours Later——-

We arrived to the house . It was a run down house on the Far East side of Oak Hill . I shouldn't even be over here but we have to take care of business . After we got out the car my cousins begin breaking windows from the back of the house . Someone was awake and they instantly got hit. I didn't shoot anyone until my cousins brought a tall dark-skin male towards me.

"This the pussy ass nigga who killed your brother Khalil." After I heard that I blacked out. I felt the heat coming over me after I heard those words.

"You took my brother from me. Now I'm taking you from yours." After I pulled the trigger I just kept shooting. I wouldn't stop. I was angry. Angry that my brother was gone and he would never come back. I also knew that what I did wasn't right and I would have consequences but at that moment I didn't care. We took almost every valuable they had. In the distant we heard sirens. We didn't know where they were coming from all we knew was we needed to get out of there .
Oak Hill Local News Station : Channel 6
Police are investigating an home invasion which left three people dead and two injured. Suspects have been identified as 15 year old Khalil Porter, 19 year old Javon Martin, and 20 year old Mashawn Heart. They are on the run and if you have any information please contact your local police department."

"Ma ! Come look at this!" Khalil's youngest sister screamed from the living room."

"So this is why he hasn't been home. I just told him to not do anything stupid. I can't save him this time."

Khalil Josiah Porter

I probably just did the dumbest thing I could of ever done . All I can think about is my conversation I had with my mom . I know
"Nigga you scared?" Mashawn asked while reaching into the glove department for his gun.

"Naw. Im not." I said while dying on the inside.

I know this life isn't for me but it's an reason why I'm acting like this. My oldest brother Derrick was killed 2 years ago . My brother was my everything . He really was the only person I trusted. When he died I was 13 and I went crazy. I begin skipping school , smoking weed , popping pills, and disrespecting my mother.

My mom tried to send me away to my dad but that didn't work. Instead I begin rolling with my big cousins Javon ( JJ) and Mashawn ( ManMan). That night we got the location of the people who killed my brother so we did what we had to do.

end of part 1 : prologue
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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06 ⏰

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