𝑺𝟑/𝟎𝟓: 𝒊 𝒘𝒂𝒏𝒕 𝒕𝒐 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒉𝒊𝒎 𝒎𝒐𝒓𝒆

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________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐

"Austin-" I giggle into his mouth, and before I could continue, he shuts me up. His mouth eating mine like he's been starved. I carefully hold his arms, making sure not to hurt him, before pushing him onto the bed. It squeaks as I climb on top of him.

He smirks, "Impatient. I love it." He lets me take control, so I start with unbuttoning his shirt. I plant a kiss along every inch of exposed skin, until I reach his belly button. My hands fiddle at his belt. He laughs.

I don't know where the desperation comes from. Maybe it's the overwhelming anger I feel toward him. What were they talking about? With Olga. What did he talk about with Hugo? Questions roam free in my mind as I'm already unzipping his pants.

He grunts softly when my fingertips graze the waistband of his Calvins. "Mhh." He reaches and tucks a strand of hair behind my ear before letting me do what I've been waiting to do.

His cock, hardening in my hands, starts to throb already. I palm the base and twist it only a little. When I hear him wince, I pinch. Then I pinch more, until he's at the verge of whimpering. The precum helps but I spit in my hands for more. As I start to pump his shaft, moans start spilling like a flood.

Austin shuts his eyes and lets go of all morals.

"Yes, mhhh yes baby..." he goes on and on about how much he enjoys my hands around him. Warm, wet, and just painful enough.

I twist and squeeze with both hands, and close my mouth over the tip. He seems to be enjoying my tongue right on his foreskin, so I play with it. Meanwhile, the questions start to get deeper, and more annoying. Why did Olga need to injure him? Was he telling the truth about Hugo being clean? Was Julian right? Is Austin capable of loving?

Each question meant another tooth in his flesh. I notice him sucking air in agony. He places his fingers on my head as a signal for me to stop biting, but I don't. He can't speak through heavy breaths. Dents start to form on his shaft.

"Ott-Ottie... Ottie-" he whimpers so weakly, I hardly hear him gulp. Though I see his adam's apple move clearly. "that hurt- that fucking hurts Ottie."

He finally manages to let out.

I kiss my teeth and take half of him. His tip reaches my throat and I feel it almost suffocating me. As I bop my head, I make sure to angle my teeth right for them to graze the length of his cock. It sounds like he enjoys this more than the biting.

Tears well up in my eyes. My pleads are muffled, and the questions are multiplying by the minute. Does Austin really love me? Am I even worth loving? Why is my stupid brother dating my boyfriend's ex?

I take him completely.

Austin lets out a loud gasp. "Fuck!" I see him gripping the sheets and shutting his eyes tight. "Yes yes yes yes yes yes baby yes yes yes yes." He mumbles further.

The air feels musty, and my mouth feels sticky. My teeth graze along a couple hard veins, and he throbs in my mouth. I dig my nails into his thighs through his dress pants and bop my head, while I unbutton my own pants with one hand. I struggle hard to get them off but once I do I immediately rub myself.

It's distracting to do two things at once. My head bopping slows my while my finger's pace quickens to pleasure myself. I moan around his cock, and he likes it. When I feel him trembling I suck one last time and climb on top of him. As if it's the end of the world, as if I won't see him again, I breathe heavily. My chest heaving. My fingers pull my panties aside before I slide his cock inside of me. All the way in.

We both let out a gasp. Loud. Our eyes widen as they lock. I press my palms on his chest and bounce almost instantly. Shutting my eyes helps erase some of the questions, but other ones pop up again. Is he cheating on me? Did he lie about not being Priscilla's father? Is he still drinking? Is he still sniffing cocaine? Do I even want him to love me?

My legs have already started to ache. The room fills with the sound of our skins slapping. Dull, empty, cold. I'm covered in sweat but I'm cold. And he's cold too. Austin shivers under my touch.

I dig the tips of my fingers into his neck.

"Ottie-" he senses something. "are you-"

My bounces get faster and harder, and my hand goes to cover his mouth. He can't ask me if I'm okay. I won't let him. Because if he does, I'll cry.

His eyes fill with worry, though his emotions are mixed, because I'm squeezing myself around his throbbing cock. "Austin!" I moan and let go of him. My fingers tangle into my hand, and I let go. I get sloppy. I sit and I ride. I ride until he's a whimpering mess. He's a mess. I'm a mess.

I'm a huge mess. I moan his name but I want to yell it out. I want to cry. I want to punch him in his fucking throat. I want to kill him, but I want to love him more.

Finally, we moan and grunt as I'm pulling him out before he cums all over my stomach. I don't.

Before he can make me cry, I dress up and storm out of 225.

"Ottie?" Is the last thing I hear him holler after me, before I shut the door.

________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐


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Austin wants to talk,
Ottie wants to take a break.

Julian is back!

Confessions are made...

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