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A/n: I'm going insane guys











As much as the classes were having fun going head to head together, class A-2 didn't expect to have been brought such a challenge by their opposing class. So it was a little refreshing to verse people who can keep up with you.

"Isagi...did you bring your water bottle with you?" Hyo questioned, using the top of his shirt to wipe his mouth.

"I didn't, maybe ask Reo or Nagi, they might've brought theirs along." Isagi suggested.

Hyo nodded and gazed around the field, searching for the purple haired or white haired, coming across Nagi who was sitting down in goalie, Hyo walked over to him.

"Close game, wouldn't you say?" Rin said walking up beside Isagi.

"Indeed, 2-3, I'm not surprised we're losing." Isagi said as he crouched down to rest his legs for a moment as he watched his teammates and their opposing players go head to head up front.

Rin didn't respond with words, and merely hummed as acknowledgment as he looked ahead to see Reo and Haven fighting over the ball. Isagi gazed at the scene wondering what has them on bad terms, it is only just a game...but then again Isagi can't really say anything.

Isagi and Rin just watched Bachira steal the ball from both of them and accidentally kicked it too slowly, so in the end, Sae ended up with the ball in his grasp. Saying nothing, Rin darted after Sae, Isagi stayed behind just watching.

"It'd be interesting to see if a fight broke out." Hyo said walking up beside Isagi, drinking out of Reo's water bottle.

Isagi glanced at Hyo and back at the water bottle...then back at Reo who was on the other side of the field, then his gaze fell back on Hyo.

"Did you even ask for that." Isagi asked.

"I'm sure he wouldn't mind...Nagi didn't bring his either, but gave me Reo's water bottle." Hyo explained with a shrug.

"...I guess he wouldn't mind?" Isagi shrugged and looked back at what was happening up front, which was, a bit of a mess.

"Anyways, this may not be the best time to ask, but as your best friend, can I at least know what happened between you and Kaiser?" Hyo asked, his tone was sincere, if Isagi still didn't want to share, well then Hyo would drop the matter and won't ask again.

A long silence washed over the 2, Isagi kinda thinking about it. Before he let a sigh pass his lips.

"Maybe when we head back to the cabin." Isagi said, which, Hyo was very surprised for Isagi to even think about opening up to him, but he was glad anyways.

Not being able to say anything further, only because Sae quite literally sprinted past them with a ball making both Hyo and Isagi come back to their senses.

Isagi quickly darted after Sae, Hyo stayed behind, only because both Isagi and Kurona were now up against Sae, with Nagi as goalie, who lazily stood himself up to protect their goal.

Despite Isagi's and Kurona's attempts, Sae still managed to get in front of them, leaving it just up to Nagi, which went into their favour, because Nagi successfully blocked Sae's kick.

"Nice one, Nagi." Isagi sighed out of relief with Kurona nodding in agreement.

The game lasted for quite a long time, but Isagi's class ended up losing, by a bit, the final score was 6-11, they weren't too cut up about it though.

"This is such a hassle." Nagi sighed softly, basically dragging his legs along with him. All of them walking back to the cabin.

"Hey...Rin is your nose okay?" Isagi asked a little concerned...during the ending, Sae and Rin ended up fighting over the ball, which Sae accidentally kicked the ball into Rin's face, a nose bleed almost instantly occurred.

"It's fine, nothing out of the ordinary." Rin said, which Isagi just nodded.

"Isagiii...!" Hyo called out causing Isagi to stop walking and turn to look back at Hyo.

"What?" Isagi asked.

"I left something back at the field, can you come back with me?" Hyo asked.

"Oh, sure." Isagi nodded and began walking up beside Hyo.

Once they were far enough from the others, Hyo just looked at Isagi expectedly.

"I already figured why you did that..." Isagi sighed softly.

"Half of the reason is because of wanting to know what the story is, but I actually left Reo's drink bottle at the field." Hyo chuckled awkwardly.

"How did you manage to...you know what nevermind, anyways, I will tell you." Isagi said.



A/n: wowzers, I left it on a cliffhanger, hahahah....

Honestly, idek what I wrote in this chapter, just a whole lot of...randomness 😭.

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