💜💛I kissed a magician!✨✨

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A quick recap! :)

Once the two (GAY) boys were in the room, Lay immediately stared at Kye, in a "I'm worried about you" face.

Lay: What wrong with you? Why.. Why are you crying..?

Lay asked as he walked over to Kye. Once Lay was near him, Kye blushed a bit, then Lay was wiping off the tears that were on Kyes checks which his thumb. When done, he took a step back.

Kye: It's.. Its nothing important.. You don't need to know..

Lay: I want to know what's wrong! You don't cry much, do you?

Kye: Like I said, I'm f- Hffmp!~

Lay cut Kye off by kissing him, and of course, Kye, was surprised by his actions. He had been waiting to kiss him for a long time, so he kissed him back.

Back to the chapter!

They only kissed for about 2 minutes, because it's their first time. Well, not for Kye atleast, once Lay was out of oxygen, he patted Kyes chest gently. Kye, who knew what that meant, broke the kiss. 

Both: Hahh.. Hahh.. Hahh..

Kye smirked, he liked that, a lot. Lay blushed like a boiled crab, he looked away.

Lay: I-I'm sorry, I'll.. I'll go now..

As he was leaving to get out of the room, Kye stopped him by holding Lays hands and push him back. His hands were now behind Lays back (IM SORRY IDK HOW TO DESCRIBE HOW THEY R POSITIONING RN- 😭 ) 

Authors note: I couldn't find any reference pictures I'm sorry- Anyways, back to the (almost typed video 🙃) chapter! :)

Lay: K-Kye? What are you.. Hffmp!~

Kye cut off Lay by kissing him, Lay wasn't excepting that. But he kissed him back anyway.

With the others in the living room..

Back in the living room, Yeosm noticed that Kye and Lay was gone. She decided she was going to  announce it.

Yeosm: Hey guys? Wheres Kye and Lay?

Blay: Prob minding there own business ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Yeosm: I see what you mean ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Anyan: Sooo.. Let's just leave them be, yea?

Yeosm: Yup, definitely ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Blay and Yeosm: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Anyan: Just leave them with their dirty thoughts Gl -_-

Gl: Alright fine-

Back with Kye and Lay...

Kye was taking their alone time a bit roughly but gentle at the same time. 

⚠️ Warning!⚠️ There's A BIT  smut ahead! If you don't like it, please skip, thank you! :)

Lay, of course, couldn't take it so he asked Kye to stop, But that didn't go to well.. Welp, Lays dead :D

Kye: Oh? You want stop?~

Lay: Y-yes.. T-This is my f-first time doing this anyway..!

Kye: Mm.. Later, once I'm satisfied~

Lay: W-WAIT..! Hffmp!~

Kye cut Lay off by kissing him, Lays dreams were coming true, and so is Kyes. Lay didn't except this straight away, though. Then Kye started to rub Lays (You know what :)), Lay started to moan in the kiss (IM SORRY IDK HOW TO WRITE THIS AAAAAAA) 

Well, imma just stop here bc idk how to write smut.. Yea.. Anyways, PLEASE GIVE IDEAS BC IDK WHAT TO WROTE ABOUT AFTER THIS PLS-

Words: 508

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