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Chapter 1.

Myself, my life, my religion to the devil.

Something about me, is that I'm a bold person. Well, a bold person around those I trust. I'm 15, sophomore, and I see crazy things. The other day, I saw a man swinging from a tree, by his intestines. Just this morning, I was watching a little video, when my phone just shut off, and came on the screen was a weird distorted face.

 Just this morning, I was watching a little video, when my phone just shut off, and came on the screen was a weird distorted face

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I was scared at first, but just knew it was a pop up, since the illegal sites I search up have viruses. I brushed off any stupid pop up I got. Once, I saw a man in my doorway.. he was, tall, and lanky.. I got scared, but blinked and it went away.


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Anyways.. back to me being bold. I'm very bold, I'm not afraid to say what I want to, around teachers, my parents, even the police. I spell my truth. I make sure it's heard.

My boldness, managed to land me on a boy. When I fell, I fell hard. Red hair, pretty, tall, and extremely kind. It hit me like a tank. Tanks are heavy. (Just if you didn't know)

He drew me in, and I'm still drawn to him. And it really was iconic, since he liked me too. I honestly, didn't think I'd ever date someone so nice, so considerate. But I managed to get him, and he got me.

My boldness has gotten me far, but my shyness is what keeps me from committing any acts. I shyly confessed to him, and I think it startled him a bit.. but, anyways, enough about my fabulous boyfriend.

Being bold comes at a price, a price that I have to pay in order to control myself. And that's to isolate myself and drown myself in sorrow so that I don't cause any further problems.

Crazy, isn't it?

Well, when your bipolar, and you have those overthinking thoughts, it gets to you.. alot.. and you feel as if you can't stop the feelings, but you can. You just need to block them off. Block them off for the whole world to not see.

But you know what you can't block? Your own religion. Most people would think I'm a Christian, because of how I dress, but they would be mistaken. I showed my colors by getting a little necklace, an upside down cross. Yes, I'm a Satanist. I believe the devil has more power, more evil and wickedness that needs to he spread to punish ones that didn't pay their dew.

But, if I've learned anything from being a Satanist, it's that..

The Devil Doesn't Care.

And he never will.

You have to live with it.

And if you don't, you pay the price for not worshipping him correctly.

It's never enough for him.

But, is it really enough for anyone?

Chapter 1 finished.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2023 ⏰

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