𝟗. You're so perfect, baby.

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This chapter contains smut!!

Amelia pulled back with a smile "Come on, Haze." She grabbed Hazel's hand and took her to her bedroom. Once they got there she shut the door behind them and put her bag on the floor and set the water bottles on her nightstand.

"I got you a water, just in case." Amelia said and Hazel smiled at her "Thank you, Mel." Amelia sat down on her bed and took off her converse while Hazel sat down beside her.

Hazel leaned over and took off her doc martens while Amelia stood up and went to her restroom to take off her makeup.

She came back and saw Hazel still sitting in the same spot, fiddling with her rings. "You okay?" Amelia chuckled as Hazel looked up quickly.

"Yeah, I just never slept over before..so it's different." Hazel shrugged and Amelia hummed as she sat down beside her. "It's alright, you'll sleep with me.."

Hazel's eyes widen and she looked up at her "In my bed with me, I meant." Amelia giggled as Hazel blushed and looked down at the bed.

"Alright.." Hazel nodded and Amelia hesitantly moved her hand from her own lap to slowly trace shapes on Hazels pants with her finger.

"Hazel.." Amelia whispered, making Hazel look over at her. They look into each others eyes before Amelia leaned into her and kissed her softly.

They passionately made out while Amelia pulled her closer, holding Hazel's button up with both of her hands while Hazel held Amelia's face.

Amelia pushed the button up Hazel wore down her shoulders and pulled back to climb onto Hazel's lap, straddling it. Hazel put her hands on Amelia's hips while Amelia unbuttoned her cardigan.

She tugged it off and tossed it on the floor and grabbed Hazels face, pulling her in to kiss her again. Hazel rubbed her hands up and down Amelia's waist.

Amelia pulled back out of breathe and started to kiss Hazel's neck. "Mel.." Hazel breathe out heavily while Amelia hummed against her.

"Won't your mom catch us?" She panted "She's at work.." Amelia chuckled as she pulled back. "Right." Hazel blushed. "Did you want to go further?" Amelia looked into Hazels eyes and Hazel nodded her head. "Are you sure?" Amelia asked "Yes.."

"Well, if you want to stop just tell me and i will." Amelia tilted her head and Hazel nodded "If you want to stop, you'll tell me right?" Hazel asked.

"Of course, baby." Amelia wrapped her arms around Hazel's neck who smiled at that name. She leaned in and kissed her again, grabbing a hold of the side of Amelia's neck.

Amelia grew needy and started to rocked her hips forward into Hazel which made a sweet noise come from her mouth into the kiss. Amelia kept rocking her hips, faster each time.

Hazel pulled back to breathe and Amelia tugged on Hazel's tank top and pulled it off of her, revealing her black sports bra.

Amelia panted while she softly pushed Hazel to lay down and tugged off her own tank top, under it was her light pink laced bra which made Hazel's face go red.

"You're so beautiful.." Hazel grabbed Amelia's waist and Amelia blushed "And you're perfect." Amelia whispered into Hazel's ear. "R-Really? You think so?" Hazel smiled "I know so." Amelia shrugged.

Amelia sat up and started to unbuckle Hazel's belt "Is this okay?" She asked and Hazel never nodded her head faster. Amelia giggled as she unbuttoned and unzipped Hazel's pants.

Hazel lifted her hips to help Amelia tug them off and Amelia stood up from her bed and unbuttoned and unzipped her own pants while Hazel watched.

She pulled them down and stepped out of them and Hazel gulped as Amelia got on top of her again and grabbed the waistband of Hazel's underwear.

"Can I take these off?" Amelia looked up at Hazel and Hazel nodded, nervous this time. Amelia pulled them off and tossed them aside while Hazel shut her legs.

"It's alright, baby." Amelia grabbed her knees and let Hazel open them "Can I?" Amelia said as her hands move to Hazels thighs, caressing them.

"Yes, please." Hazel whined and Amelia started to rub on her clit with her thumb, slowly at first. Then she started to rub faster and Hazel moaned.

"Amelia." Hazel panted while Amelia pushed her finger inside her and Hazel gasped. "Fuck.." Hazel sighed as Amelia started to pump her finger.

"That feel good?" Amelia whispered as Hazel squeezed her eyes shut. "Yes, please..more." Hazel grabbed a hold of Amelia's hand.

Amelia pushed a second finger inside and Hazel moaned loudly, tossing her head back. "Fuck, Mel!" She whimpered as her back started to arch.

"Amelia.." Hazel groaned while she tried to shut her legs but Amelia grabbed her knee and pushed it back softly. "It's okay."

"Feels so good!" Hazel panted while she bit down on her lip, "yeah?" Amelia rubbed on Hazel's clit with her other hand.

"It's alright, relax, baby." Amelia hummed and curled her fingers making Hazel groan "I'm close, Mel.." She grabbed the bed sheet in her palm.

"I'm gonna-" Hazel cut herself off with a loud moan as she came around Amelia's fingers. She rested her body against the bed as Amelia pulled away and laid beside her.

Amelia shut her legs together tightly while Hazel caught her breathe. When she did catch her breath she turned over to face Amelia, leaning over her "You're amazing.."  Hazel said while Amelia crossed her legs tightly while she bit her lip.

Amelia looked down at Hazels lips and leaned up to kiss her quickly, grabbing her face as Hazel got between her legs and held her waist.

Hazel pulled back and started to kiss her neck, making Amelia moan softly. "You sound so sweet.." Hazel whispered.

"Hazel, please touch me." Amelia whined under her, arching her back. Hazel moved her hands away from Amelia's hips to her pink panties.

She grabbed the waistband "Right here?" She pulled on it. "Yes" Amelia panted, tugging them off of herself impatiently.

Hazel slid down Amelias body and spread open her legs while Amelia unclasped her pink bra and slid it off herself, tossing it aside.

"Wow.." Hazel kissed Amelias inner thighs while she stared at her bare breasts and then she looked down and licked one stripe through her folds. "Oh god.." Amelia tossed her head back as Hazel started to move her tongue through her folds. "Oh, Hazel.." Amelia moaned out.

Hazel brought her finger up to rub on her clit really fast, making Amelias hips rocked up into her mouth, Hazel grabbed her thighs and made her hips fall back on the mattress.

"Oh my god!" Amelia reached down to run her fingers through Hazels hair while she moved her tongue faster against her. Amelia let out a whine as she tugged on Hazels hair and she hummed into her, the vibrates making her moan out loudly.

"Hazel.." Amelia whined out while her eyes squeezed shut. "I'm close!" Amelia panted while Hazel hummed into her more.  "Hazel..Hazel!" Amelia moaned loudly.

"I'm so close, oh my god.." Amelia arched her back while she reached her high. "There you go.." Hazel hummed as she watched, still rubbing your clit.

"You're perfect, baby." Hazel went to lay beside her and she cuddled into Hazel's side. "You're so amazing, Haze." Amelia pecked her lips.

Once Amelia caught her breathe she got up and lightly limped to her dresser, putting on new underwear and a t shirt on. She grabbed a T shirt for Hazel and laid down while Hazel put it on.

She felt her eyes getting heavy. "Mm, goodnight Haze." Amelia mumbled "Goodnight gorgeous.." Hazel wrapped her arm around her and they both dozed off.

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