Fart begins..

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         It was a sunny day..... Dave had just finished eating his food.
Regrettably, His food was from a mysterious restaurant.  "Oh god.." thought Dave, a bubble of gas brewing in his now bloated stomach. "Damn it.... I shouldn't have ate from that place... I knew it looked suspicious." *He groaned* "What am I gonna do now.... I have to get rid of all of this gas building inside of me... Ah this is so embarrassing..." pfffrbbbtrtt.. "W-What was that...." *He looks around nervously* "That wasn't me was it..?" *He gulped sniffing the potent air that surrounds him* "Oh god!" *He pinches his nose shut after the whiff finally hits him* "It was me!" *He dry-heaved, his stench so strong* "This aroma...! Fuck! How am I going to get rid of all of these stinky farts..?" *He thought* PPPFFFBBRRTTTT..!  "Fuck! I....I did that again!" *He groaned, rubbing his bloated belly* "I'm so full of gas.... I have to let it all out..." *He began to sweat, Sitting on his couch lifting his legs a bit, resting them on his coffee table.* "Jesus Christ! What am I gonna do..." *He said out loud without thinking when suddenly his roomate comes out*

  What will he do now? 

Dave tootie buttWhere stories live. Discover now