𝟏𝟒. I love you.

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"Look, I found empty barrels of pineapple juice

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"Look, I found empty barrels of pineapple juice. There is pineapple here." Josie exclaimed as Amelia and Hazel had made their way down the bleachers to the side of the field where everyone was.

"So, they're gonna poison Jeff then." Annie said.  "Where the fuck is it?" Josie shouted. "Fuck, what if it's in their mouths, and they're swishing it around and they're gonna spit it out mid-game?" PJ said as she threw her hands up.

"What?" Amelia questioned. "I hate to say it, but i think it might have something to do with their semen." Hazel said right after.

"Obviously, it does not. What is wrong with you?" Josie exclaimed as Annie turned around to look at the field.

"They made out in front of everyone." Sylvie said with a giggle. "Yes Sylvie, they literally have done worse!" PJ exclaimed.

"They're gonna spray the field!" Annie shouted as everyone turned to look at her. "What?"

"Were gonna have to run!!" Annie said as she started to run to the field and everyone had no choice but to follow her.

They all yelled as they ran to the Huntington players that were holding Jeff, and Josie grabbed him. "PJ, cover the sprinklers!" "I got it!"

The Huntington players started to walk toward them and they all looked at them and they all started screaming and running at each other.

Josie held Jeff in her arms and ran off the field as everyone else started to fight all the Huntington football players.

One of the Huntington players swung at Amelia, she caught it and kicked him in the dick. He fell to the ground holding his crotch.

Another player ran up to her and swung at her, punching her. She gasped and punched him twice as hard, then kicking him to make him fall.

She didn't know there was another player coming up behind her, he grabbed her and lifted her up of the ground. Hazel saw this from afar and quickly ran over.

She jumped on his back, making him let go of you and try to get her off of his back. He grabbed her and swung her forward to fall on the ground.

Amelia punched him hard and he returned a punch to her and Hazel got up as fast as she could and punched him.

He fell from the force "My hero." Amelia giggled as Hazel grabbed Amelia's arm and ran off with her.

They got all the Huntington players on the ground and Hazel kneeled down where Amelia sat on her knees.

"Are you okay?" Hazel asked her, clearly very worried.

"Yeah, are you?" Amelia asked as she locks eyes with the brunette girl. "Yeah.." Hazel nodded.

A Huntington player approached them from behind Hazel "Hazel!" Amelia gasped.

"Behind you!"

Hazel quickly turned around and shielded everyone with her arms before Josie ran over.

She acted fast and kicked him right in the face making him drop to the floor and everyone gasped.

The girls slowly looked at the crowd that saw the whole thing when suddenly the sprinklers came on, spraying the pineapple juice.

Everyone started cheering when Tim announced it was pineapple juice and the girls all got up and talked to one another about what just happened.

"Amelia" Hazel called out for her while Amelia talked to Brittney. She walked away, giving them their privacy. "You were amazing." Amelia complimented.

"Oh yeah? Well so were you." Hazel grabbed Amelia's hips and pulled her closer.

Amelia wrapped her arms around Hazel's neck "You're so gorgeous, even with blood all over you." Amelia said with a smile.

Hazel sighed. "I love you." She blurted out.

Amelia felt her cheeks go hot and she smiled widely "I love you too, Hazel." She said proudly.

"Thank god." Hazel said as Amelia grabbed her face and kissed her passionately.

They kissed like no one was watching until Sylvie started screaming "Yes!! Yes queen! Slay! Yes!!"

Then the tree actually blew up and everyone looked at it in shock, Amelia turned to Hazel and giggled.

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