please, you're all i have left

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HARRY  POTTERact one - pre-movies▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄

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act one - pre-movies

eden's sobs filled the hall as the scene picked up from where it had left off, her head still bowed into james' body as she mourned the loss of the boy who was the light of her life.

a shrill cry came from upstairs and eden's head snapped up, the sudden noise aside from her own utterances putting her on high alert.

the people watching all sat up at the sound, a new expectancy filling the once discouraged and quiet space as if they'd forgotten that harry was sat completely fine in his father's arms as he held eden's hands.

both of the 'adults' talked quietly to him and provided him with their undivided attention as harry answered unavoidable questions they had without spoiling anything.

"harry." she whispered to herself as the child's wails filled the noiseless home. eden was quick to her feet as she rushed desperately up the stairs towards the nursery.

the door was closed, though looked to be in flawless condition and a vast contrast from the remainder of the demolished cottage.

without thinking eden burst into the room and set her sight on harry weeping loudly in his crib, his sobs only becoming louder at the presence of her.

a cry of relief fled her mouth as she set eyes on her godson. harry was safe, he was alive.

the hope, the fear, the relief and the pain she felt as looked into his eyes, the colour corresponding to the spell that killed his father.

reassurance fled past eden as well as she saw her godson, perfectly fine besides the apparent sobbing and tightened her clasp on harry's hand.

james too, felt the same way, delighted and relieved to know his son was safe in the arms of his best friend. he knew that if anything were to take place from here, eden wouldn't hesitate to defend harry.

eden swiftly made her way towards the little boy and gathered him up gently afraid that if she was any rougher he might shatter and slip between her fingers.

harry clung to eden, his miniature hands grasped tightly to her shirt that was stained with his father's blood.

she held the back of his head and cradled him into her chest as her bloodied hands smeared his once pristine skin, though neither of them cared as they clung to each other like lifelines.

AS I LAY DYING  /  R. Black "WTM"Where stories live. Discover now