twenty two

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A kiss

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A kiss. Such a small thing. But how could it generate so much? It's just two lips touching. Nothing more?

Ju-won and Sungjin were standing in the middle of a corridor in the backstage area. He kissed her. So suddenly.

It felt so....


She felt excitement rising in her. Her eyes started to close, enjoying the sudden happening. Sungjin was always so hard to understand but yet....
It's like she could see his thoughts. So close to his face.

It was her first kiss. Ju-won ever wanted to have a first kiss like all characters had in tv shows. The difference was always that they had perfect lifes. So their life was enchanted to be adorned with a perfect first kiss, she always thought.

Both had still closed their eyes until he slowly pulled his lips back from hers, ending up pressing his forehead against hers.

"I didn't expect that" Ju-won whispered, now looking in his eyes.

"That was the plan" Sungjin answered whispering. He couldn't stop holding a deep eye contact with her.

They stood there minimum 3 minutes just looking at eachother's eyes. Ju-won's hands  wer still placed around his neck just like his were placed around her waist.

The previous days Ju-won didn't think about her and Sungjin. She had so much things to do that she didn't notice the boy who likes her standing right in front of him.

But what about Riki?

Didn't she develope feelings for him? Or not? Honestly she didn't know the answer.

But there was something. There was. Right, she has seen Riki with the woman from the party before. Actually she wanted to gift him the duck plushie she bought a few days ago.
But it hurted her seeing them so close.

But right then the moment she had her first kiss with a staff member, she just enjoyed it. No thoughts, no worries. Just her and him. Finally no thoughts and worries.

One thing wasn't seen by them.

Riki who was actually busy with receiving gifts from different label leaders, saw it. How not? They were actually standing not even 10 metres far from him.
He didn't saw Ju-won coming before since he spoke with the chicago staff manager's leader's daughter Sofia. He got to know her at the party. Actually he had the feeling she liked him. In another way than friends do.

His heart stopped as he saw Sungjin kissing the girl. The girl he loved. He couldn't understand how this could happen since he thought Sungjin wasn't more than a friend for her.
Of course he knew Sungjin really liked her but that it would come that far that he even gave her his first kiss? He couldn't evr imagine that.

His heart hurted seeing them. Although he didn't want to his look couldn't let go of the scenery. They were pinned on it. His hands were shaky but not obviously shaky.

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