🌶️🌶️ TWO 🌶️🌶️

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Aurora has a photo shoot today for her ballet studio and for breakfast she was eating "normal"

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Aurora has a photo shoot today for her ballet studio and for breakfast she was eating "normal". I thought she was really skinny but I have no right to tell her this because Wladimir already does. I hope she learns that she's beautiful even with a few more pounds. She's a ballerina and dancing since years and her toxic bitch of a mother manipulate her in thinking she was fat or even not good enough when in real life she had a eating disorder and thought she wasn't pretty. In fact she is gorgeous and I'm deadly sure Wladimir will help her to get healthy.

They both had a fight earlier but now everything seems settled. The perfect day? Right? I'm not scared it's just that I'm worried about their reactions. I mean what if they're disgusted with me? What will happen to our friendship? I'm just afraid to loose them but real friends wouldn't leave me because of it. I know they won't but there's this annoying voice inside my fucking head that says they'll be disgusted with me.

Due to her shooting we eat outside tonight and Wladimir seemed so fucking obsessed with her. He is since years and I'm glad they're at the point of falling in love with each other. He deserves it. He's gone through some hard shit but with her, he's like the boy I knew. Not that embittered or filled with rage or pain. With her, he's himself. And I fucking like that.

Because Mischa and my baby boy doesn't have to make dinner they're free and sneakily I walk to his room. My friends -Egor, Andrei and Oleg- rooms are next to mine, in the same corridor, and Maxims is downstairs.

I open the door without an knock, "Hey, baby"

He's in bed. Why is he sleeping at this hour? I lock his door and crawl under his blankets. "Baby". He's sleeping tight so I won't wake him. Carefully I pull him into my arms and he immediately cuddles into my chest. He's so god damn sweet and adorable.

Today, I'll make him mine. I close my heavy eyes and with him in my arms I feel arrived. Maybe it sounds weird or like an excuse but fuck, I had so many partners but every time there was a hint of more than sex I broke connections. Sometimes I really tried it but there was nothing to feel and my whole life I felt restless and like something is just missing.

I thought maybe I had to explore more but after meeting him I knew what was missing. It was love. My friends would laugh at me but with Maxim I feel strangely safe and I got the feeling to protect him and never let him leave me.

Before my mom died she was sure that one day I'll find someone I can't life without. Can't breathe without. Can't think straight without and my shit heart tells me he's the one. I hope he is and deep down I know he was born to be mine. Such as I was born to be his. To be together.

"Yakow", I hear him whispering. Shit I fell asleep?

"When did you get here?"

"Few hours ago?", I sit up and brush through my hair. It's messy and it's time to cut it. My phone shows that we still have two hours to be ready.

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