3 | Lynette

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bottom! lynette x top! reader
we're pretending her outfit has
a front zipper!
tumblr saw it first!


When you had asked Lynette to be your girlfriend, the first thing you noticed was not her stoic face as she agreed nonchalantly, but the excitable wag in her tail.

Every time you talked to her, she'd always wag a little more than she wanted to admit. And of course, every time she did; Lyney made fun of her endlessly. You on the other hand encouraged it! It was just too cute!

"Here to visit Lynette?" Freminet murmured, raising his head when you entered the tent of your favorite magicians. Nodding in reply, Freminet then gestures his head to the back room.

Happily walking back, you push past velvety red curtains and find Lyney tinkering with his hat. At the sound of your familiar steps he smiles but doesn't look up. "She's in her dressing room."

"Gotcha," You nod affirmatively. You already figured she would be. If Lyney wasn't forcing her to do work, she'd be happily lazying around like a cat on a warm day. Speaking of which, ducking past a few decoys of Lyney's Rosseland, you eventually find Lynette's room, color coded by a small blue cat outline.

Giving a knock first, you pause for a few seconds before speaking. "Lyn? It's me."

Lynette's room is silent, as always, until a soft click sounds. Her door is now unlocked. Taking that as permission to enter you softly open the door and walk in, closing the door behind you. Lynette is by her makeup stand, doing soft touches here and there on her stoic face. When you walk in her eyes watch you from the mirror, tail swaying softly behind her.

"Hello Y/n," She nods, setting down her makeup brush. You walk behind her and wrap your arms around her waist, resting your head on her shoulder. Your hand draws soft patterns into her hip. Lynette relaxes into your hold, calmly shutting her eyes. Her tail curls around your waist.

"When do you go on stage?" You murmur, smiling at her in the mirror.

"Thirty minutes..."

She turns and nuzzles her head into your neck. You softly kiss the top of her head, hands gently brushing past the right leather parts of her outfit, sliding under until you are comfortingly rubbing her bare skin. Lynette sighs against you.

"Are you nervous?"

Her head shakes. "I'm not." She leans further into you, tail twitching occasionally. For the most part she's relaxing, despite the growing heat of her skin under your touch. "Will you be watching?"

"Naturally," You nod, pressing another kiss to her head. "Front row seats. I'll be with Freminet." Your thumb gently presses into Lynette's waist, and a quiet purr leaves her.

"Mh..alright.." There's a soft shake in her voice, and her legs. The end of her tail smacks against you, ears flattening softly. "Hey Y/n...?"

You hum, she continues by softly turning around and looking to you with a slightly bashful expression. "I... still have some time, before I go on stage.."

"Hm?" Raising a brow, you softly squint at her. "Are you asking me to..?"

Lynette's eyes flash away shyly, and her head slowly nods. "If you want to..." While it wouldn't be the first time you'd slept together, it certainly was rather rare for Lynette to outright ask you for it. But, you couldn't help but grin and nod along.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2023 ⏰

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