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(Note: This story will start on ep 9 and 10 Thank you and enjoy the chapter.)

Somewhere in a snow...

In a snowy mountain a teenager wears a green helmet that is shaped like a rabbit and wears a monstrous costume that is stained with blood and filth. His costume he wore has a yellow cape and gloves that are torn and damaged; his respirator appears to have rust and chipped edges; and his iron soles are now crooked like talons. This teen was none other than 'Izuku Midoriya', the last user of One For All and a hero in training who left UA in order to protect his friends and loved ones from becoming a main target of the villains who are hunting him, and he had to find 'All For One' and 'Shigaraki' to stop them and end the fight between One For All and All For One. somehow ended up lying unconscious on the snow.


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''Ugh..." Izuku groaned before twitching his fingers as his eyes opened slowly and he woke up from his consciousness. He then raised his body, sat down, put his hand on his head, and shook his head. "What happened? Where am I? Why am I lying on the snow?"

He was confused about where he was and how he got here in this cold weather as he stood up on his own two feet, despite his injuries from fighting villains who are hunting him down and a lack of sleep.

"What is this place... (looks left and right seeing a bunch of trees covered in snow all around him)... and how did I even get here... all I remember was being surrounded by citizens piling on top of me thanks to that villain name 'Dictator' controlling them and then-"


"Hm?" He was cut off when one of Izuku's quirks, 'Danger sense' which belongs to the 4th user of OFA 'Shinomori Hikage' rings in his head as he turns to the right...


An explosion suddenly heard behind him and turns around to the direction of the explosion.

''An explosion?" Izuku said and noticed a large smoke from behind as he sense something was wrong coming over there and decided to go check it out, despite his weak injured body and tiredness, that won't stop him from seeing that there's trouble or someone's in danger as he activated his OFA and ran to the direction of the explosion behind him.


At an unknown kingdom few minutes earlier...

In the land of ice and snow lies a kingdom called 'Gokkan' one of the five kingdoms on the planet 'Chikyuu'. It's known as the 'immovable neutral country' and this is where they kept the 'international criminals' to be prosecuted in this country. At the moment, their country is being invaded by an army called the 'Bugnarok' and the minions who are attacking are known as the 'Sanagims'.

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