Otaku (Staz Charlie Blood x Reader)

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"Staz, what in the hell are you still doing here?"

"What does it look like I'm doing," Staz replied in a monotone voice as he sat on the couch, still engrossed in the latest manga volume that probably Deku had somehow managed to find for him.

"Being a lard-ass," you retorted back, mainly to yourself, as you knew your words were landing on deaf ears.

At first glance, Staz looked like he went around like he didn't have any ambitions nor cared ninety percent of the time, but he was the total opposite.

When he had put his mind into it, he would see it through to the very end, even if he came close to dying because of it. Even if that meant that he wouldn't ever show it on the surface.

As you sighed in defeat, you realized you weren't getting anywhere with him, so you appointed yourself to snooping around his confined room.

Anime, manga, games, and figurines were packed on his bookshelves, while a few posters littered his walls here and there.

The kind of stuff you'd normally see back home in the human world.

Damn, he's not going to have anymore room left if he keeps collecting at this rate.

Then it hit you, Staz wasn't your typical run-of-the-mill vampire.

No, he was something else, but you couldn't put your finger on it quite yet.

"Oi, are you just gonna stand there all day?" Staz asked, indignation etched in his voice.

"Origiri!" you blurted out of the blue, while he tilted his head, bewildered.

"Eh!? Why are you calling me a rice ball?" he questioned.

"Origami! No that's not it. Onsen! That's not it either! OH! What was that word!?" you wailed and paced around the room.


Upon hearing his angered yell, you stopped and turned, looking him in the face.

"What? Who me! Couldn't be!" you replied sarcastically, straight-faced.


"What? No, of course not! Why would I do something like that?" you muttered. "You damn otaku."

Just then, realization came in, smacked you in the face.

You had just said the word you were thinking.

"That's it!"

"What's it?"

"That you are a freaking otaku!" you rejoined.

"But you love me, don't you?"

"Yes. Yes, I do," you commented before you lightly pecked him on the cheek.

"Now, let's go watch the second season of Kyoto Ghoul?"

It went silent for a few moments, until Staz understood what you had just said.

"Second season!? Since when!? Why didn't you tell me about it sooner!?" he asked, freaked out, hurriedly turning on the television.

"Because I knew you'd be geeking out about it."

Otaku (Staz Charlie Blood x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now