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Hello there!

For those who did not see the notice on the original version of this fic or are new to this story, this is a rewrite and continuation of my fic 'A Single Black Rose'. This version will be a lot better than the original thanks to my increased experience in writing as I've grown. 

Furthermore, I would like to address the fact that some concepts and ideas in the original were copied from another IkeRev fanfiction without the consent of the author. This was because dumb little 13 year-old me didn't comprehend copyright. Hence, I would like to give credits to toloveawarlord and their fic 'Ikemen Revolution: For Crimson Glory' for being the inspiration for this story. This does mean that a couple of things from the original fic will have to change because they were directly copied ideas. The fight being against Zero will be changed to a larger trial/test which will end in a fight with a Red Army swordsmanship instructor. Sadly, the concept of a female protagonist fighting the 'no women in the Red Army' tradition cannot be changed, as it is an integral part of the fic, which is why I once again reiterate that this version will be inspired by Ruka's story. I vouch that this will be the only concept that will remain to be similar, as the rest of the story follows a different path.

Two other adjustments I have made - that are not due to copyright - are Alina's age and last name. In the original I made her 17, not considering the fact that Luka is canonically 25. Once again, my stupid 13 year-old brain didn't consider age gaps and just wanted to make a child prodigy. Thus, I am aging her up to 24, which honestly fits the character better anyway. As for her last name, I just didn't like it, so I'm changing it.

That was a lot more than I was expecting, but I hope that these changes will be able to improve the story. I hope the new 'A Single Black Rose' will meet your expectations!

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