Isalt Aiser: The Dark Fate

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Isalt Aiser was not like other girls her age. Born into a warrior family, she was raised to be strong, fierce and capable. Like all to whom the warrior spirit ran in the blood, she dreamt of being a warrior, of fighting for what she believed in.

As she grew older, Isalt discovered that her dreams were not only dreams, but also a path she could take to become one of the greatest warriors in history. She trained hard with her family, learning every aspect of their martial arts, from weapons to strategies.

However, the road to becoming a warrior was not easy for Isalt. In her adolescence, she faced a challenge from a rival family, one that wanted to claim the Aiser name as their own, and turned her into a weapon.

Isalt fought back, fiercely and with all her might, but it was too late to stop them. Her family was pushed to the brink of extinction, and she was forced to leave behind everything she held dear.

She fled to the great city, where she met Michael the Archangel, the defender of humanity against the great darkness that threatened to swallow the world.

Michael was a legendary warrior, one who had defeated countless demons and vanquished all their minions. He was the only one who could stop Satan, the greatest of all evils, from taking over the entire world.

Isalt volunteered to join Michael's army, and with her courage, her fighting skills, and her belief in the cause, she became a loyal soldier of Michael's.

Together, Michael and his army fought tooth and nail against Satan's minions, destroying them one by one, until they found themselves in the last battle.

The battle was grueling and fierce, with neither side backing down. The sky darkened, and the demons swarmed all over the battlefield, seeking to inflict as much havoc as possible.

Michael knew that this was the end, that they had spent countless years and countless lives, they had done all they could. But they had defeated Satan, and he could not come back.

The final battle was a long and brutal one, but eventually, the demons were defeated, and the world was saved.

Isalt, who had many times thought she would surely die, watched as Michael raised his sword into the air, signaling for a moment of silence. Slowly and solemnly, the rest of the army do the same.

From afar, they heard a thunder, and in the middle of the silence, all the demons and their minions disappeared in a flash of light, never to be seen again.

Michael lowered his sword, and with a weary sigh, he turned to Isalt.

"Isalt Aiser, thank you for your bravery and your loyalty. You have earned the right to be called a warrior, one of the greatest in history."

Isalt couldn't help but grin, a feeling she had never experienced before.

"Thank you, Michael, sir. I just did what I believed in, what I was born to do."

Michael nodded, "Indeed you have, Isalt. And now, you may take the honorific of your family's name. You have proven yourself worthy of it."

With that, Michael gave her a nod and turned to leave. As he walked away, Isalt couldn't help but wonder what would come next. She had finally become a warrior, but would she ever truly be free of the nightmares and the memories of whathad happened?

For now, she knew that there was one thing she could do, one thing she absolutely had to do: become the best warrior she could be. And that, she knew, was just the beginning of a long and glorious journey.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2023 ⏰

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