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A/n: i was thinking for some time, trying to figure how to put Isagi and Kaiser into a backstory...and well, I have no idea how, mainly because I kinda already shared the main part of it...so I can't really....think of anything...

I'm sorry 😭🙏.

But...maybe come up with your own scenarios, tbh, I'd love to hear them.










"Ah...so that's what happened..." Hyo mumbled, the duo slowly walking back to their cabin. Reo's drink bottle in Hyo's hand.

"Yeah..." Isagi shrugged slightly as he looked away.

Hyo gave a small nod, not knowing what else to say, so he just gave Isagi small pats on the shoulder, as if to say, everything will be fine, Isagi just gave a smile.

"Though...I never really gave him the chance to explain himself when I think back to it, not that it really matters." Isagi gave a small shrug.

"Maybe ask him about it, maybe that's why he's always trying to grab your attention...he could be just looking for the right time to explain to you." Hyo shrugged.

"If so...he's doing it in the most...weirdest way." Isagi mumbled under his breath before he shook his head.

Hyo just let out a laugh...before a familiar female, ran in front of them stopping them from walking any further.

"Oh! Haven!" Hyo smiled.

"Hi." Was all Haven responded with as she glanced at Isagi...the 2 of them being around the same height.

Isagi looked back at her, the 2 holding eye contact....rather tense eye contact, Isagi just shrugged as he looked away first.

"Did you need anything?" Hyo asked curiously.

"...I was wondering if you were free to hang out now." Haven asked.

"Oh! Wait we're not planning to do anything as a class tonight right, Isagi?" Hyo asked turning to Isagi.

"Either way, they won't mind your disappearance, have fun, Hyo." Isagi waved with a smile as he already started walking away.

Hyo and Haven just watched Isagi vanish...before turning back to each other. Hyo then looked down to where he though he was holding Reo's bottle...which was now nowhere to be seen.

Hyo lifted his head to only just catch a glimpse of a small object in Isagi's hand, which Hyo assumed with the water bottle.

"Well, sure, let's hang out, Haven." Hyo smiled, Haven's eyes seemed to have lit up slightly as a small smile was present on her face.

They walked around with each other, starting off the conversation simple, just so they could flow along with it.

"Do you have any siblings?" Haven questioned, her head tilted to the side.

"Nope, I'm an only child." Hyo laughed a little bit, while Haven nodded.

"How about you?" Hyo said, returning the question back to her.

"I have two younger sisters." Haven said, the thought of her siblings irked her.

"Really? Sounds like fun." Hyo said.

"It's not...they're rats, it's like when spider webs get caught on your clothing, it takes forever to brush it off." Haven sighed, but she definitely loved her sisters...she just really needed her personal space sometimes.

"What a peculiar way of explaining it." Hyo commented with a laugh.

"Yes well, it fits perfectly." Haven nodded with a small smile on her face.

"What sports do you often play?" Haven asked as she placed her hands in the pockets of her hoodie as they walked.

"I normally play soccer, but that's mainly because Isagi has a dying passion for the sport, I just follow him." Hyo explained.

"Ah, fair reason." Haven said with a nod.

"Oh yeah, I am still sorry for bumping into you in the hallway." Hyo said with a sheepish smile.

Haven stared at Hyo...for a little longer than normal before she shook her head and woke herself back up.

"It's fine, really. I think I was being too cold about it." Haven said, a small low chuckle escaped past her lips.

"I don't mind it at all." Hyo responded, which kinda caught Haven off guard as she looked up at him and looked away.

"Well, you'd be the first." Haven said, a rather appreciative smile on her face as she turned her head to Hyo.

"Really? Why? You're generally a sweet girl." Hyo said, his head tilted to the side, his said his words really straightforwardly.

Hyo didn't realise that Haven was caught off guard even more, a small tint of redness creeping up to her face, before she huffed annoyed and looked away before her expression relaxed.

"Well, people find my first impression intimidating, they don't really get the chance to know me." Haven explained.

Hyo stared at Haven for some time before smiling and patting her head...Haven in return clicked her tongue in annoyance and slapped his hand away.

"Ow." Hyo said, holding his hand dramatically.




A/n: I turned this into a Hyo and Haven chapter because I realised I still hadn't made them hang out yet so I felt a little bit bad 😭.

Anyways, the new genshin 4,1 update, I finally managed to get Hu Tao after so long 😭😭🙏🙏. I was going to try to get Neuvillette, but decided not to ☠️.

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