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Sehun was about to stab jimin when the door burst opened revealing taehyung.

Taehyung pulled sehun from behind and punched his face continuously. Taehyung was beating him like he will kill him on the spot. He was not in his sense after seeing jimin's blood and sollowen face. He took the knife that sehun had, was about to stab him but..

"Taehyung no! No! Don't kill him. We will call the police, and take everything legally.," jimin said. But taehyung doesn't seem to be pleased, he again started to beat him to his heart content.

"Taehyung let's tie him in your mansion basement because now we have to go to hospital, see the J-jee -ra c-condition" jimin said while sobbing.

"Jimin pleae don't cry baby, nothing will happen to jee-ra." Taehyung said and attached jimin to his chest.

"Okay come let's go to hospital" jimin said.

Time skip :-
In the hospital

Jimin and taehyung are sitting outside the cabin where jee-ra was admitted. After sometimes doctor came out. Jimin and taehyung rushed to him.

"Doctor how is jee-ra, she is alright right?" Jimin asked desperately.

"You two, who are you for the paient" doctor asked.

"We are her friends doctor, what happened?" Taehyung replied.

"Call her parents or relation immediately because....we are really sorry to say. The patient is dead.
She has been raped continuously, her body couldn't take this much wild physical activities...she lost many blood. We couldn't save her. Sorry sir." Doctor said sorrowfully. Taehyung and jimin frozed on the spot when they heard jee-ra is dead.

Jimin couldn't believe what he heard. Yesterday the same girl was laughing and making others laugh was now dead....

Jimin choked a sob and broke down into tears.

"J-jimin don't cry." Taehyung was trying console jimin when he himself has tears in his eyes.

"Jimin!! Jimin. Where is jee-ra how is she jimin?" Jee-ra's mother asked, who came there with her husband immediately when jimin called them.

Jimin wiped his tears and controlled his sobs. He went towards them.

"A-aunty je- jee-ra i-is...i-is.. de..de..." jimin couldn't form a words to speak.
Taehyung came from behind and somehow said everything to them. When they heard that. They were crying so hardly. Jimin couldn't see anything so he asked taehyung to get him to the car.

When they were in the car jimin asked him to drive to taehyung's mansion.

Time skip:-
In taehyung's mansion.

In taehyung's mansion almost everyone has slept. They went to the basement. There, sehun was tied in a chair almost unconscious. The basement was soundproof so whatever they do, it won't be heard outside.

Jimin took a bucket of ice water and poured harshly onto sehun.

"After killing a innocent omega how can you sleep peacefully huh? Did she caused any harm to you?, then why...??." Jimin asked crying. Taehyung hugged him.

"Y-you s-slapped m-me k-know, t-that's w-why" sehun said.

Jimin took a knife, furiously went toward sehun. Then started to stab him everywhere like a psycho.

"Ahhhhh!!!! Ahhhh!!!!!" Sehun cried out in pain.

"Paining right??, just like this, it would have pained for her huh?" Jimin asked, he is very angry.

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