The Beginning

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As in every book then in the beging I mean everything was normal. Her day went on with the same boring routine. Wake up, eat fruity pebbles, get dressed and, take the bus until she gets her license. When she gets her license the bus is another hell whole to be escapeed and less people she wants throats slit.
*Ring Ring*
Green Day American idiot: *I don't wanna be an American idot. Dont want a nation under the new mania. And can you hear the sound of hysteria? The subliminal mind f*** America.*
*he'll raiser jumps on her and licks her*
Oh s*** I'm late I gotta go.
*chugs feral and milk, brushes teeth* I'm so late damnit. *tosses on clothes* "bye hell raiser I will pick you up a treat on the way home"
"Oh hey Skyler where have you been? By the way here are the notes for first period" Abigail (best friend1)
"Hey after school do you wanna stop by the pet store I'm going to pick up hell raiser a treat.
Sure I have nothing better to do.
Okay so around 4-ish?
That works for me see you then .
See yea.
After school: Hey Skyler ready to go?
Yea Abi i'll be down in a second.

Okay Skyler you go inside to get hell raiser here a treat I will stay here with this little blue eyed baby.
Okay I will be right back my hell raiser she said scraching his chin

Come here now!
No back off
Hell raisers eyes truned blood red his once snowy fur coat turned pitch black. He snarled to show his sharp shiny teeth as he drooled ready to snap. Rrrr
The dog snaped bitting the mugers hand clean of his arm.
"You damn dirty dog what the hell" said the dirty now bloody mugger.

Oh my god Abi!!
Call 911 please ugg
Sure... where did the hand come from? Oh hi hi this is Skyler Anna im at 122 fort way avenue my friend Abigial Jones was stabbed I need an ambulance!
Okay ma'am come down we will be there soon.
Okay thank you so much
Oh its my pleasure you girls be safe until we get there.
Yea sure

*Bee boo bee boo*
Come on abi lets go
"Thats him"! Abi yelled frightened and feeling as frail as ever
*Slam* it was to late the doors were shut and locked he was there no one was here to save us. My hell raiser was outside of the doors alone thats what I was most scared of my poor baby boy outside alone. The ambulance began to move. Hell raiser ran after the truck faster and faster he never lost the trail he stuck right behind them.

So girls
Stick it old man! Exclamed Skyler Oh I will in time
Nice going Skyler giving him ideas.
Shush come here
Which one?
That one with the brown hair and light green eyes
I am Abi and hell no
Hands off of my Abi
Where is my tape. Oh here
I said hands off
Your hitting does nothing your hands feel like kittens
Oh thats my lotion.
"Shhh" says the mugger
Its easier to tape your mouth when you arent moving it ... while I am at it I will tape you to the wall as well.
As for you abi I have plans for you...

Crack the doors to reality began to open again.
Here are your pills.
What is your name?
I am Queen Mary now let me out of this padded cell you call I dont know. Let me out.
No no your Skyler im Abi... I know you can get better I know you can think Sky think. Who are you?
Who. Am Abigail now Skyler sit down for your medicine.
Bye Skyler I have other patients to attend to.

the door to reality slowly shut with out a word the only thing that kept her sane was gone.

Abigial she mermed under the tape.
Skyler Abi screamed in the pain of it all as the muger and kid napper romoved the bloody knife from her side.
Oh my gosh why do girls yell so much. Im taping you here to.
Abi struggled but it was no use she was stuck.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2015 ⏰

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