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A/n: idk what to put here.

Maybe a bit of angst, idk if that's what you'd call this but this seemed necessary... hopefully idk 😭🙏.






"Am I the only one wondering what's taking Isagi and Hyo so long to get back?" Bachira questioned, hanging upside down currently.

"It's been around an hour now." Chigiri said checking the time.

"I wonder what Hyo forgot." Kurona mumbled, but still the others managed to understand it.

"Should one of us go look for them?" Reo asked.

"I will!" Bachira exclaimed as he landed on the floor with his arms out.

"Be safe then Bachira." Chigiri smiled and waved at him.

Bachira just happily skipped out the cabin closing the doors, while the cabin was silent for some time.

"How are we so sure Bachira won't get lost himself?" Rin asked.

"We'll be down 3 people for tomorrow then." Reo awkwardly chuckled as he laid back down on his bed.

Meanwhile, Bachira honestly had no idea where he was heading to, but assuming Hyo and Isagi turned to head back to the field, Bachira decided to just head there first.

Bachira just walked around, till he spotted exactly who he was looking for, well, both of the people he was looking for. Placing his hands in his pockets, Bachira's curiosity got the best of him and he wanted to know what they were talking about.

So he shuffled himself a tiny bit closer so he could at least catch some parts of the conversation. Okay well, he was literally right behind a wall 7 feet away from where Hyo and Isagi were.

"So you're finished hanging out with Haven?" Isagi questioned.

"Yeah, someone from her class actually came to retrieve her, so she left against her own will." Hyo chuckled a little bit, Isagi just nodded.

"You have me questioning, Isagi." Hyo started off, which Isagi in return looked at Hyo confused and curious.

"You feel....a bit more.." Hyo hesitated for a moment, trying to find the right words to say. "Closed off?" Hyo said, his head tilted to the side.

"Is something on your mind?" Hyo asked, it was clear Hyo was worried for Isagi.

Isagi on the other hand, seemed to have looked away for some time, not answering for quite a while, as if trying to find words to put into a sentence.

"Well, I do have a lot on my mind actually." Isagi admitted, after a long awaited silence.

"Don't have to share if you're not comfortable." Hyo said, giving his friend a reassuring smile.

"I think it's just....well Rin kissed me the other day, which, has me going insane, I don't want to end up...hurting his feelings because I can't help but have feelings others." Isagi started.

"And then it's love letters on top of love letters, I don't want to break multiple friendships over this, because I know Kurona has interest in me, I don't want to hurt him if I can't return the feelings back....you get me?" Isagi asked as he sat down on the grass, a sigh followed after.

"It's overwhelming, what if they want me to choose, what if I can't even get over my own feelings and end up hurting all of them?" Isagi questioned.

"Isagi." Hyo sighed as he knelt down now sitting across from Isagi.

"Don't stress so much, it was never your intention to flatter so many people. If they make you choose, then they're not thinking about you and how you feel and your state of mind, they're thinking of themselves, and that's the exact opposite of what they should be doing if they really like you, Isagi." Hyo explained.

"It's okay to not understand your own feelings, sometimes yourself can be your worst enemy." Hyo shrugged.

"But...I never knew you had kissed Rin." Hyo mumbled, he didn't necessarily have the time to react to that since Isagi had spoken too quickly and Hyo didn't want to interrupt him.

Isagi sighed softly as he lowered his head. "Yeah...it....I don't know." Isagi said as he lifted his head back up.

Hyo just grabbed Isagi's hand and gently squeezed it trying to show the tiniest bit of comfort to Isagi, a smile on his face. Though, it stayed silent for some time.

"Hyo..." Isagi mumbled, which Hyo hummed in response. "What if I mess up? What if one of them confesses to me, and I just don't know what to say." Isagi asked.

"You tell them to give you time, not to rush so fast, patience is key when you're building a relationship, especially since..." Hyo's voice trailed off, wondering if he should even say what he was going to, yet he decided to anyway.

"Since you're still not moved on from Kaiser, you'll have to open up about that to them sooner or later, and they will have to accept it, healing takes time." Hyo smiled and pat Isagi's shoulder. Isagi gave a nod of appreciation, a little bit of weight lifted off his shoulders.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to put any pressure on you or anything." Isagi chuckled awkwardly.

"Oh it's fine really, I'm happy to help you in any way." Hyo smiled and grabbed Isagi's hands as he stood up and pulled Isagi up with him.

Bachira on the other hand was rather...caught off guard by what he had just heard? His heart stung a little bit... he didn't know why, but it hurt. Bachira shook off his feelings and just decided to run back to the cabin.












A/n: gimme ideas for the next chapter please, I don't even know what I'm writing at this point 😭.

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