Midwinter's Ball

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Listen human and learn.

A long time ago a prophecy was made. The seer who made it, had died straight after she uttered these words, the words that changed humanity: 

It was the night  

Of the midwinter's ball, 

It all went dark 

Before the silence's fall. 

Many people thought that the prophecy came true when an organization named Silence rose. It was a bloody night, those who survived would remember it forever. The screams of my children still haunt me in my dreams. The aim of the Silence is to make sure that no human beings, except them ever spoke a word. And so after that fateful night of the midwinters ball, silence fell, but not for all. There were rebels of course and they were the only ones who believed that the prophecy mentioned the fall of the Silence, their death not their rise. For years and years they looked for the savior, the one who had the Voice. the savior came, but she was not who they expected. She was brave and bold, but she was fragile. She was loud, but she was mute. She spoke in their minds. 

She was the only one. The Noise didn't accept her at first, for how could she be the savior if she couldn't speak. They gave her a chance, but they didn't believe.  

On the night of the midwinters ball, she fell and took the Silence with her. They believed. if they believed before, she would have survived, but they didn't. One of them did. I could see that he was in love, i helped him. I sent him on the quest to rescue the Voice, my daughter. I helped him get her back and rewarded them by letting them live with me. What better place to live in than in heaven? 

The disbelieving humans were saved, but destroyed themselves. This time i didn't help. Why should i? They didn't believe. 

So listen my children, do not repeat the mistake of the past. Believe in the people around you, help them, encourage them. Don't forget me as well, be reminded of me by the plants, the trees, the animals and the earth. Treat the planet right. Who knows, i might let you go to heaven. 

And don't forget 

It was the night 

Of the midwinter's ball 

It all went dark 

Before the silence's fall

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