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Third person pov

After few minutes. Mr. Jeon (Jeon jay) came with his men and released jungkook. Jungkook was very angry, his 23years's pride has been crushed under one stupid omega's feet who came from somewhere into his life all of a sudden and did everything which he could ever think of.

Sure, he won't spare that omega but jimin is not some random omega who he could just kill off and go. Jimin is a son of the south Asia's dominating businesswoman Mrs. Park melliva.
So he have to wait till the right time comes. Until that he won't be quite, he would definitely do something.

Jungkook furiously left the police station in his expensive sport's car.

In park mansion

Jimin came running inside like a happy bird, he swirled around in the air while giggling so happily. The maids and the servants were heartly laughing at the omega's cuteness.

Jimin ran upstairs where leora's room located and opened door only to find the empty room. Jimin pouted, he again ran downstairs.

"Aunt zhi-yu where is leora and mom?" Jimin asked to one of the maid.

"Jimin did you forget they went to their office." Zhi-yu said and laughed at Jimin's expression. Jimin slapped his own forehead because of his stupidity that he almost forgot they might already left for their work out of his overwhelming joy.

"Okay zhi-yu shii today you make all my favorite dishes. I'm very happy" jimin said hugged the maid who just laughed while nodding.

Jimin then went upstairs to his room while humming, with hot chocolate in his hands. He didn't go to his college as Today its their revision holiday. He took out the necessary books from his cupboard to read for his upcoming exam and started to learn while sipping his hot chocolate.

Jungkook got off from the car and directly went inside the park mansion.
He kicked opened the main entrance as it was unlocked. He searched for a certain omega in the living room then started shouting the omega's name as he couldn't find him in the living room.

"HEYY!! JIMIN WHERE ARE YOU, COME OUT YOU PATHETIC BITCH." jungkook yelled standing in the middle of the mansion. The maids and servants came running to the place when they heard jungkook's loud yet scary voice. 


Jimin was reading so sincerely when he heard someone was yelling his name from downstairs. Jimin quickly got off from bed and went outside. His eyes widened to see jungkook, just now he saw him inside the prison and now he was standing here with all glory. But jimin was not surprised after all he is a son of a great businessman.

Jungkook stopped shouting when he saw jimin, standing in the upstairs.

"Hey baby, come down dear" jungkook said in a sweet voice which is so fake. Jimin sighed and went downstairs.

"Jungkook why are you shouting like a hell while standing in my mansion." Jimin fired back.

"In my whole 23years of life, I never entered the police station but you fucking made them arrest me and put me inside the prison like a accust." Jungkook asked while gritting his teeth. Jimin laughed mokingly.

"First, stop barking like a mad dog. I just made you to stand inside the prison where you really deserve to live the rest of your life just like a accust,.....who killed a innocent omega. " jimin said with folded arms while emphasizing the word 'accust'.

"What nonsense are you talking bitch. " jungkook asked annoyed.

"Omg! Omg! Omg!" Jimin held his chest dramatically.

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