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THE OTE RWE team was chilling at the house Cam got for them

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THE OTE RWE team was chilling at the house Cam got for them. Since Vienna and Nelson were homeschooled, they were able to join them. They all were in the living room, waiting for the food.

Marie was cooking and Vienna sat at the island, with her laptop open and her notebook. She wrote down notes for her math class, trying to get the formula right.

Vienna was a smart kid, she get's straight A's all year and studies really hard. Sometimes she works too hard and pushes herself too hard and she gets really worn out.

Nelson walked into the room, his phone in his hand. He looked up from his device and sighed when he saw Vienna working. He puts his phone in his pocket.

He stood behind her, wrapping both of his arms around her waist and resting his chin on her shoulder. Vienna didn't get scared at his sudden presence, instead she brought her hand up to his hair.

"I told you to take a break, Vee. You were working on that last night too." He told her, letting go of her and sitting beside her.

"I just need to understand this formula and read it over and I'll get it. I just need to get it." She mumbled, furrowing her eyebrows and scrunching her face up as she read it over and over again.

Nelson shrugged his shoulders and went back on his phone. He made sure the volume was low because Vienna really wanted to focus.

Marie brought out all the plays and cutlery. She reaches over, shutting Vienna's laptop closes and smiles.

"Eating time. Take a break today, Vienna. You've been studying and working all week." She said, bringing the plates to the table.

Vienna sighed to herself, putting her notebook away. Nelson followed her and they sat down beside each other at the table.

"Shit, this looks good. Thanks Marie." Nelson grinned, immediately grabbing some food.

"Nelson, stop being a fucking fat bitch!" Lavar yelled at him.

Nelson was making a tiktok, asking the RWE team and others in the house who would not let date their daughter.

He went up to Cam —who was on his phone. He shoves the phone on his face. "Who in the house would you not let date your daughter?"

"Lavar." No hesitation.


"Because he's black and has dreads." Cam explains, making Nelson laugh a bit.

He then goes over to Daydrian, he laid on his bed, watching something on his laptop.

"Who in this house would you not let date your daughter?"



"Because if she's underage it wraps." His answer made Nelson flabbergasted, his jaw dropping and he immediately started laughing.

"Hey bitch. Who in the house would you not let date your daughter?" Nelson asks Lavar, shoving the camera in his face.



"Cause you're a bitch!" He shot back and Nelson just shrugs it off.

"Yo Zeddy, who in the house would you not let date your daughter?"

Zeddy took a while to think about this, humming as he thought about his answer. "Nelson."


"Cause," he started and he looked over to Nelson. "You're going to fuck my daughter. Bad."


"Yo wait, are we referring to Vienna when we say you?" Zeddy questioned, Nelson's eyes widening. "Because, what the fuck."


"Who in the house would you not let date your daughter?" Nelson asked Romelo, he thought about it for a moment.



"He's ugly as shit." Romelo answered, Nelson tried holding back his laughter. Nodding his head.

"Who in the house would you not let date your daughter?"



He thought about it, spacing out a bit and started rubbing his eyes. "Uh, word."

"Oh yeah, word." Nelson agreed with him, not knowing what to say.

"You sound like you're faded." Vienna spoke up, passing by them. Nelson was saving her answer for last.

"Shut up!"

Nelson asked a bunch of other people and now it was best for last. Vienna sat on the couch, watching tiktoks on her phone.

She had her hood on and sweats, looking real comfy but she thought that she looked lazy as fuck.

So when Nelson ran over to her, she had her hand out and covered her face. "Come on, show your pretty face."

"Nelson, fuck off."

"Yo Vienna, I love you."

"Nelson." She warns him.

"Who in the house would you not let date your daughter?" He asked her, giving up on showing her face.

She didn't answer so then he repeated the question. "You!"


"Because you're annoying as fuck." She mumbled but it was clear to hear in the video and Nelson heard it as well.

He gasped and then turned the camera. "Nah, she just saying that because I'll be the father and that illegal."

He stopped the video when Vienna threw a pillow at his head. "Ow, what the fu—"

"So guys, I'm okay." Nelson smiled, recording the tiktok. Someone's hand was playing with his hair, he tilts the phone up to show Vienna.

"Nelson." She warns, taking her hand out of his hair.

"Damn guys, I look hella fine."

Vienna puts her hand on his chin, using her fingers to squeeze both sides of his cheeks. She made him look like a duck.

"Aw, look at my pretty boy."

"Okay, enough you made me look like a duck."

"A handsome duck."

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