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day 58

y/n's pov:
you were weaving in and out of alleyways, making sure to stay out of sight of the walkers shambling about on the main street. you duck behind a dumpster and check your map, making sure you were going in the right direction. you smile, seeing you were just a few blocks down from the mall. standing up quietly, you continue making your way to the mall, keeping to the alleyways and not drawing attention to yourself. you make it to a side entrance into the mall a few minutes later and slowly open it. you find yourself in some kind of clothing store, and it had definitely seen better days. there were articles of clothing strewn everywhere, blood stained the floors and the walls. you have step over a couple bodies to get into the main lobby of the mall, glad the mask you wore kept most of the smell out of your nose.

it was eerily quiet as you walked, except for the occasional squeak of a mouse or two. you were on guard, keeping a hand hovering over your machete. it took you about 15 minutes to find the exact store you were looking for, jacksons music store. your smile turns into a frown when you see a deadbolt lock on the door. "god damnit. i guess i'll have to do this the hard way." you mutter, taking your blanket from your backpack. you wrap it around the blade of your machete and smash the glass door. the blanket dampens the most of the sound, but its still pretty loud. "get in get out." you say to yourself, shaking the glass of your blanket and placing it neatly into your backpack. you keep a tight grip on your weapon as you step through the door frame, the glass shards crunching under your boots.

the store was untouched, as people don't usually think to raid a music store when the dead start coming back to life and eating the living. dust covered the neatly stocked shelves and the floor was relatively clean. you scan the isles until you find what you were looking for, a new pair of headphones. "fuck yeah" you say, grabbing a box of black, wired headphones from the shelf. your old ones were broken and your walk-man was the only thing keeping you sane in all this, so you would've done anything to get these. you place your backpack on the ground and toss your old ones to the side before opening the box and putting your new ones in their old spot. you zip up your bag and swing it back onto your shoulders as you stand up.

you exit the store and was about to walk back the way you came when you hear voices coming from below you in the main lobby. you crouch and duck behind a pole next to one of the two escalators that lead down to the lobby. "hands on your head and get on your fucking knees asshole." you hear a gruff voice shout. you peek down the escalator and see about three men with guns surrounding another guy kneeling in front of the fountain in the middle of the lobby. he had a black eye and was bleeding from his nose and multiple cuts on his face. from what you could tell his hands were tied behind his back. he looked to be about your age and you could tell he was terrified.

"please i'll give you whatever you want just dont hurt me please." he pleads, shaking. one of the guys laughs and starts going through his backpack. you immediately recognize the wolf tattoo on his neck and curse under your breath. 'ugh, these assholes again?' the man continues rummaging through the hostages bag. "what the hell is this shit? kids toys, crayons, coloring books? why the fuck would you need this shit?" the man remarks. strange, you think. he must be from a camp or something, he looks well fed and relatively clean. in that moment you decide to save him and have him take you to where he's set up. not because you cared if he lived, but because you couldn't help but think you mother might be with them. it was a tiny chance but you were willing to do anything to find her. you take your bow and three arrows from your quiver as they continue their conversation.

you move from behind the pillar to the railing next to it. you make sure all of their backs were turned from you as ready your bow aiming at the one farthest from the group. you take a deep breath and fire, hitting your mark. as soon as it hits the mans head you load another arrow into your bow and aim at the head of one closest to you and fire before they could fire back at you. the last one left curses and ducks behind the fountain the hostage was leaning against. the hostage must've scrambled behind a trashcan or something after the first one went down.  you reload your bow and calmly walk down the escalator, bow pointed at the fountain. "what do you want?!" the man shouts from his hiding place you don't answer and continue walking. "come out, hands up." you say sternly, and the man slowly moves from his hiding place, his hands above his head. you recognize him as one of the men who held you captive. you narrow your eyes, deciding you would kill him for what he and his group did to you.

"it's you. how the hell are you alive?" he asks, recognition and confusion in his face. "i have my ways, now, give me all your shit." you say bluntly, and the man takes a large backpack of his shiulders and tosses it to you. "you can go." you say, and the man smiles, making your skin crawl "thank you. thank you." he says, turning to leave. as soon as his back is to you you shoot an arrow at his head. he drops to the floor, blood pooling around him. "rot in hell asshole." you seethe, spitting on the man's corpse.

you see the hostage come out from behind a trashcan in your peripherals. "w-why'd you do that?" he asks. you ignore his question, putting your bow into your backpack and grabbing the useful things in the bag; matches, granola bars, wire, a knife, and some cans of food. you toss the bag to the floor and walk to him "try anything and i'll slit your throat." you state, cutting the rope binding his hands with your knife. he nods and stands and takes his backpack from the fountain and you start walking to the escalator. "you coming or what?" the man nods and you retrieve your arrows then continue walking to the exit you came in from. you were both silent on the way there, not wanting to draw any attention to yourselves. you make it to the side door and open it slowly, making sure it was clear. you see a couple walkers in the alley, nothing you couldn't handle.

you look back to the stranger, putting a finger on your lips and he nods in understanding. you slowly exit the door and take your machete from your belt. you creep your way up to the one closest to you and swing your hatchet onto its head. it drops to the ground and the other one turns to you, having heard you take down the first one. it shambles towards you, arms outstretching. it had a leg injury, making it slower than usual. you smirk under and kick it where it was injured, making it fall onto its knees. you then bring your blade down onto its skull, killing it instantly. you yank the blade from its head and turn back to where the man was waiting. you wave your arm and he quickly starts to follow you.

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