My New Home

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It's been a while since I got to Copper 9 and I don't know anything about my past, but somehow I feel... different. The planet is in a eternal winter and I figured out that I needed oil from the other people living on Copper 9 to keep myself from literally burning up. I don't really like killing the worker drones and drinking their insides but I'll do it if I need it. I even used to be part of a squad and they were all jerks, so I ditched them and even made it look like I died. I was collecting whatever oil I could from the leftovers of my groups dinner and put it in a can.

Y/n: I feel sorry for you guys...

I was fixing to fly off and I was only stoping because I heard a noise, so I followed it and saw the worst sight yet. I saw a baby crying and who I think is the babies father was flattened by the rubble.

Y/n: This is horrible!

I walked down to the baby and grabbed her. I then cradled the baby in my arms and tried calming it down.

Y/n: Calm down. Everything's gonna be alright.

Even though I have no skin I could feel that she was freezing out here and I wrapped her in my jacket after I took it off.

Y/n: What's up? You hungry? Oh wait a minute, you don't have a mouth.

I heard a gasp and I looked up seeing a worker drone covering her mouth, she had purple eyes just like the baby.

Y/n: Heya, is this your baby?

The worker drone nodded and was shaking with fear.

Y/n: You don't gotta be afraid, here you go.

I extended my hand so she can grab her baby and she slowly comes forward. She snatched the baby out of my hands and cradled her baby in her arms. She looks over her baby and looked back at me.

Worker Drone: Why are you different?

Y/n: Huh? Oh the whole not killing you thing... I kinda have different morals than the others. I'm not sure if that's even right because I know nothing about my past.

Worker Drone: So where did you find her?

Y/n: Uh... Behind me?

Worker Drone: So if she was here then, where's my husband?

Y/n: Oh... About that.

I stepped to the side and it looks like she knew the Worker Drone who got made into a pancake.

Worker Drone: Khan...

She dropped to her knees and bursted into tears. I then suddenly got a notification and a map appeared on the left side of my screen. I enlarged it and saw that the murder trio was coming my way, so I grabbed the worker drone and the baby. I then went into the rubble barring us and I was holding the worker drone close.

Y/n: *whispering* Stay quiet or we'll be their next meal!

She then sunk her head into my chest and I turned off every part of me that was glowing. I heard them land and I couldn't see them, but I guess that's good because I'd pick a fight with them when I saw them.

N: Anything left?

J: I don't know you tell me!

I guess she hit him after saying that because I heard something bang into metal.

V: Think they'll be back?

J: Pff, doubt it, I think we got the entire colony here, we flushed that bunker pretty good.

N: So what are we even doing back here then?

J: Ugh I've already told you four times moron! To collect all the oil!

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