sincere gestures - chris

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Today is your birthday.

You were hanging out with your boyfriend Matt, who had texted you that morning to tell you he had a few things planned for your special day. Only once you arrived at his house, it didn't feel like your special day; it felt more like his.

You had tried not to let it show that you were disappointed; after all, you were glad to just be spending time with him and it was the thought that counted, right? But if he even noticed the way you masked your discomfort, he made no attempt to ask about your feelings.

You were currently sitting on the floor of his living room while Matt and two of his friends were sitting on the couch, eyes trained on the TV in front of them. He had invited two of his friends over as a surprise to you, knowing that they weren't really your friends. You barely even knew them, had only met them once or twice at a party. You brushed off the thought of not being able to spend any time alone together or at least with mutual friends, not wanting to make a fuss as you kept reminding yourself it's the thought that counts.

He had asked them to bring food over for dinner, and you tried to keep a thankful smile on your face as you realized it was one of your least favorite meals.

Matt knew that. Or at least you thought he did. But you tried your best to keep a positive attitude. You wouldn't let your day be ruined by such seemingly small things; at least he remembered your birthday at all, you told yourself.

Your relationship with Matt hasn't always been like this. When you first got together, he was as sweet and attentive as can be. Recently though, things had changed and you weren't sure why, or when. What you did know though was that you cried yourself to sleep some nights over him. Each attempt on your part to talk through things was met with rolled eyes, annoyed sighs, and cold shoulders.

Trying your best to focus on the TV, you felt your phone vibrate. You looked at your screen to be met with a few texts from Chris.

happy birthday i'm on my way back home to see you

You smiled at your phone, sending him a quick "thank you <3, see you soon" text.

Your loss of attention and care from Matt had you thinking of his brother on one of your sleepless nights. You felt guilty for feeling this way, what with the fact you're taken and the guy you're not crushing on is your boyfriend's brother. But you couldn't help it; you weren't sure what was going on with Matt, but he refuses to talk to you about it. You had decided you would break up with him today as soon as you could get him alone, whether he wanted to talk or not.

It wasn't too much longer after that when Chris burst through the front door. You heard feet pounding up the stairs and you all turned your attention in the direction of them as Chris came into view. His eyes immediately found yours and he took a few steps over to where you were before tackling you to the ground in a hug, causing you to giggle as you attempted to hug him back, however it proved difficult since you were pinned to the floor.

"Chris," Matt spoke lowly, "get off of her." Chris looked up at the sound of his name, his smile slowly fading as he finally noticed the seating arrangements. He spared another glance at you, before looking back at his brother.

"Why is she sitting on the floor?"

"It's where she wanted to sit, I guess." Matt shrugged his shoulders with a slight shake of his head.

"You guess?" Chris questioned, eyebrows raised. "She's your girlfriend Matt, and it's her birthday. Kinda rude you couldn't make space for her to at least sit with you."

"Chris, it's okay-" you started, but he shook his head, staring disappointingly at Matthew before taking a breath and crinkling his face.

"And what the fuck did you guys eat? It smells terrible." He turned to make his way into the kitchen, inspecting the leftovers that were still sitting on the stove. You awkwardly sat on the floor, sparing a quick glance with Matt and his friends, the former of which looked confused while Matt just glared in his brother's direction.

Chris stomped back into the living room, stopping next to you long enough to hold his hand out for you. You hesitantly reached your hand out to grab his and stood up, and Chris gently started leading you to the stairs.

"I'm taking her out." Chris started down the stairs, not even glancing at his brother.

"Whatever," Matt finally spoke up again with a roll of his eyes.

Even though you should've expected his reaction, and did, you felt your heart break further as you walked out of the house with Chris.

But the curly haired boy easily made you forget. For the rest of the day, he made sure your smile never left your face. He brought you to your favorite clothing store and let you pick out an outfit you've had your eye on for a while. He took you out to your favorite restaurant so you could eat something you actually enjoyed, dressed in your new clothes. He shared jokes with you to make you laugh, and took photos with you in a photo booth with the brightest smile on his face when you dragged him in.

He showed you your birthday is supposed to be special. He showed you that you're special; and you should know it.

He knew your relationship with Matt was over; he knew you haven't been able to talk to him about it yet. Which is why when he took you back to his house, he gave you a gentle kiss on the cheek and reassured you he was right there if you needed him.

"Thank you for today, Chris." You smiled at him, placing your hand on his over the center console. "Best day I've ever had."

His face flushed, but he smiled back at you with the same smile he looked at you with all day.

"You deserve the best."

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