I'm falling into a black hole
It's pulling me at an astonishing speed
I struggle with all my strength
Yet it just keeps on pulling me faster
I try resisting with all my will and power
But it's too strong
I put my hand out , trying to see if anyone could save me
Yet no one is helping
No one is pulling me out
I want to scream that they should help
I shout to them to please save me from the darkness
I don't want to be in the dark
Yet it seems they have all turned blind and deaf
For they seem not to notice my struggle
They seem not to see that something is pulling me into the darkness
I put my hand out again
Begging them with my eyes to help me
Begging them to not let the darkness consume me
Yet they are all busy
Busy with their lives
Forgetting me who is slowly being consumed by darkness
I'm beginning to lose hope
The darkness has spread fast
It has consumed more then half of my body.
And it's still spreading
My only hope is Allah
My friends and family have gone blind so only He can save me
And I pray He does rescue me soon
Else the darkness will swallow me
And there will be nothing worth saving.
Book of Poems
PoetryA list of poems describing various stages in my life. Please I'm a beginner so no harsh comments. Corrections in grammar is always welcome. Hope u like it.😊 Your votes will really be appreciated 😊