PART 1: Astrids thoughts

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me and tom lived next to each other and our windows were facing each other so i could always see what he was up to and he could see what i was doing.we were quiet close becuase we were kinda felt forced at one point since i was the most popular girl and he was the most popular boy.Everyone had a crush on tom but me.i had a girlfriend which tom always teased me for saying i 'act like a lad' which was kinda true i mean i was as strong as a lad maybe even stronger.

Most of the time i had a hard time with lying because i had never really gave a fuck about anyone not even one in my life had ever gave a shit about me so why should i٫or thats what i thought until i met tom.he seemed to really care and i cared about him in some way i mean if anyone threatened him i would go and fight them.same for the rest of my friends one of my friends boyfriends always hurts her and thretends her saying he will 'stab her' so i go and sort him out٫everyone tries to tell her to leave him but i dont٫i dont care what she does but ill sort things out if she has a problem٫she asks me what to do but i just say whatever she wants٫

I always do what i want no matter what٫i dont listen to anyone no matter who٫i have just leaned not to give a fuck٫ive been in and out of care and juvie ive been through thic and thin

Everyone always acts like they care but they all give me sooner or later٫no one ever stays around.No matter how close you think they are to you they always leave.Your only real friend in this world is yourself and if your not true to yourself no one is.

No one really cares you can tell the whole world your problems and they can be in shock and act like they care but once you gone they dont care.its like if your gonna get jumped٫one minute your walking home and then the next theres a knife in your back and your being stomped on.

this world is a crule place.ive seen people get killed even kill them selves.your never safe ever ive learned that along the way of my life all the people i thought were meant to love and take care of me have only ever hurt me٫thats the main reason i find sypathy hard.

AN:(hey guys so i know this chapter is short but its just gonna make alot more sense for futur chapters so you understand astrid more as if she was real or even you. I know there are some people who go through this and think like this but im always here for anyone who need to talk.  and i know my grammer and spelling is bad but i really struggle

Love you guys🤍)

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