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I walk into the diner, clocking in for my shift. I go to the back, pulling my spooley out fixing any fly away hairs, I needed this bun to be perfect.

I smile at myself in the mirror in agreement before walking out with my notepad, I immediately start to take people's orders. "Hi, what can I get for you." I warmly smile clicking my pen.

"Two burgers and one chocolate milkshake, and a vanilla milkshake as well please." The customer shuts the menu placing it to the side.

I jot down their order in my notepad before looking up to the couple. "Anything else?" I ask smiling, they shake their heads no. I walk to the back to the chef, Jerry. "Whatchu got for me?" He says grabbing the notepad. "Just two burgers?" Jerry asks.

"Yeah, I'll make the milkshakes." I smile going to the other side of the kitchen, I start to mix some milk, ice and everything else you needed to make a milkshake.

Can't be exposing the diners recipes, can I?

"Alright, here are your burgers." Jerry slides some plates down the commercial island. "Getting quicker and quicker ever day Jerry." I laugh grabbing the plates.

I lean against the door opening it with my back, I walk over to the table placing the burgers down. "Your milkshakes are ready I just have to go grab them." I say pulling two straws out my apron.

"That was quick! Thank you." The woman smiles, I nod smiling and walk away to get their shakes.

I place some whipped cream on top of the milkshakes before placing them onto the serving platter, I walk back to the couple placing it down on the table.

"If you need anything else just holler at me." I say walking away. Damn, I suddenly really have to pee.

I walk over to the employee restroom, I unbutton my jeans sitting down on the toilet, humming to myself as I pee. I quickly wipe and stand up re-buttoning my jeans, I walk over to the sink washing my hands throughly.

I grab some of the paper towels patting my hands before walking out, I go to the next table getting their order. "Hi what can I get for you?" I ask looking down at my notepad. I hear a familiar accent speak up.

"Could I get the Alfredo and steak." I hear the voice say, I gulp looking up. My eyes shaking in awe.


"Holy shit." My jaw drops. "Would you want a photo?" Bill smiles, I nod my head eagerly smiling. It felt like I was looking at a goddess in front of me.

Tom on the other hand, it felt like beauty and the beast. That beard of his makes him look so fucking sexy.

Georg and Gustav looked good, as always.

I kneel down getting in front of the table, I pull out my phone going to the camera. I forgot one little detail, Tom was literally my fucking wallpaper.

I open my lock screen clearing my throat as I open the camera icon in the bottom right corner of my screen.

I see everyone smile, Gustav doing bunny ears on Tom. Causing me to giggle slightly. I snap the picture turning around, adding a little pep in my step as I twirled.

"Fan of the dreads huh?" Tom says, I look at him confused till I realized he was talking about my wallpaper. "Oh! Uh yeah!" I smile awkwardly scratching the back of my head.

This was so fucking embarrassing.

Tom stares at me smiling and nodding, I raise my eyebrow as I take their orders, i'm delusional I swear. He's literally 34. What am I on?

"Coming right up!" I smile turning around walking to the back. "Holy shit Jerry." I hyperventilate as I pace around the kitchen. "What's up?" Jerry asks nodding towards me. "Dude, I just met my celebrity crush."

Jerry's eyes widen. "Shit really? Which one?" Jerry asks. I pull my photo pointing to my lock screen. "This one!" I whisper yell. "Oh that Tom Collins dude?" Jerry says. "It's Kaulitz, but yes and guess what." I reply.

"Hmm" Jerry hums. "I pulled my phone out to take a picture with them, and he was my fucking wallpaper dude. And he saw that he was my wallpaper and I just smiled awkwardly." I sigh in embarrassment.

"Damn girl! That's rough." Jerry says flipping over some burger patties "I know." I nod slowly. "Anyways! Here's the order." I stick the paper to the microwave.

As i'm about to walk out Jerry stops me. "Where are you going?" Jerry asks. "To go cry in the bathroom." I say leaving the room.


"Here are your drinks." I smile placing the drinks down, along with some straws. I suddenly build up the courage to ask the question i've been wanting to ask.

"If you don't mind my asking, when are you guys touring again? I've heard some things but I don't know what's true and what isn't." I question.

"All that I can say is that it will be very soon!" Bill grins. "Any concerts here?" I ask. "Of course." Georg says. "I'll be front row, wait for me." I reassure.

"Would never forget the girl with my face on her phone." Tom laughs. I gulp nervously, grabbing their menus.

"Oh he's just joking." Gustav nudges Tom's shoulder. "Yeah, we love the fans. They're the best." Tom smiles. "Glad you think so." I reply, I suddenly hear the bell from the back ding from the back. Signaling that their food was ready.

"That's your food, i'm gonna get it." I say walking towards the back, I grab the tray filled with all their food before making my way back to the table.

I place the food down matching each plate to the person who ordered it.

"Thanks kiddo." Tom says rubbing his hands.


Who's gonna tell him I wanna fuck?

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